Start from the beginning

Oh god! Seriously?? It’s Robert again.

“Why are you so early today?” – he started the conversation

“I just wasn’t able to sleep last night so I decided to get up and go to work early.” – I answered back without looking at him.

I saw a smile in his face. I know what he is thinking! Maybe he is thinking that it is because of what happened to us last night!

I turned to him and said : “I know what you’re thinking, it’s not that!”

“Oh I didn’t say anything! You said it!” – he shot back.

I decided that once and for all, beg my boss to stop this bickering relationship that we have. If he is enjoying, then I am not. He is really giving me a hard time!

“Boss… Robert. Can we just please stop this? I can’t stand it anymore. I’m not always in the mood for tis trash talking and bickering. Look, you are my boss. And not because you are my boss you can treat me this way. Can we please stop this bickering bullshit? Let me work with you and I promise you, I’ll give my 100%” – long explanation huh?

He froze for a moment. “sorry.” – that’s all he can say.


I decided to get up and go to the office. It is already 7:30am. Maybe Jimmy and the crew are already there. I invited Robert to go now so he can relax and prepare. He was just so silent and followed.

Oh no! Did I upset him? Hope not!


The day went through smoothly at the HTC commercial shoot. We started shooting at 9am and it lasted for 3 hours. A few meetings with the production group and promitions followed after. It was already 3 in the afternoon when the director officially called it a day for the crew. Everybody is clapping and hugging each other complimenting each other for a job well done. I didn’t mind them since I am busy plotting Robert’s schedule. Oh God! I have to make sure his schedules are fixed and needs to have breaks in between so he can rest.

“Nathalie… “ – someone called me behind my back. I just held right my hand up and gestured to stop. I need to finish first! Damn! Almost!

“Nathalie!” – I was startled and stopped from what I am doing. I kinda panicked since I really haven’t paid attention to the call. I am supposed to be an assistant! Duh! What’s the matter with you Nathalie?

I turned around and saw Robert standing with a coffee in his right hand and the left hand behind his back. Trying to hide something.

I looked puzzled, slightly tilting my head to the right. My eyebrowse now frowning. He slowly walk towards me. Handing me the coffee.

“Caramel Macchiato…” – oh he is now playing adorable huh?

“Oh, Thanks!” – I got the coffee and was about to turn and go back to the papers scattered on the mini table since I’m not yet done doing his schedule but suddenly I felt he slightly grabbed my arms/

“And… here…” - giving me a long stem red rose! What the F**k!

“Oh thanks! “ – shit! I can’t hide my excitement. I can feel that my face turned red. Where the hell did he get this? Some kind of a magic? 

“Uh, consider that as a peace offering. And I wanted to apologize for being a jerk and such a pain in the ass! I just thought that I can make you feel comfortable when I joke around. Sorry. Thank you for being patient.” – His face now shows his soft side. Well, he really is gorgeous!

“Oh no! It's perfectly fine and I can understand! We were trained to be very patient.” – giving him a wink

“You know what? You look more gorgeous if you’re smiling. That’s more like it! “- smiling back at him

“I’m sorry I am so grumpy when we first met. It’s just that so many unpleasant things are happening right now. And me and Susan are ---“ – Robert explaining. But I didn’t let him finish so we can ease the tension.

“It’s okay boss, I got you! That’s why I am here. I’ll fix it for you, okay? Just trust me on this. Let me do my job!” – I said to Robert, looking in his eyes. My right hand on his shoulders, reassuring.

He smiled back. “Thanks!”

“Friends? Let’s start from zero. Okay. Hi, My name is Robert, Robert Downey, jr.” – sticking out his right hand for a shake

“Nathalie… Nathalie Salvador. Please to meet you, boss!” – I answered back

And we burst into laughter. It feels good that we have erased all the unpleasant first meeting that we had yesterday. I scrambled the papers on the table and filed it. Stood up and gestured him to follow me as we begin to leave the now empty room. He stopped me and he whispered to my ears: “And it’s Robert or Rob, not “boss”. How many times do I have to tell you that? I swear if you call me that again, I would have to get Matt’s ass outta here and send you back to where you belong!” – He jokingly told me then pinched me on the right cheeks.

“Oh, I’m sorry Bo—oh, Robert!” – We both laughed then we headed out the open parking. 

“Hey, I’m not gonna ride with you in this car. I’ll stay with Jimmy coz he has some few stuff to discuss with me regarding your scheds. I think he is turning over some if your previous assistant’s errands and we need to do it quick. You have a very pretty squeezed in week so I need to prepare for it. But we’ll just be right behind your car. We will just follow, ok?” – I said to him.

He nodded in agreement. I slammed the door gently and walked towards Jimmy’s car. We are all heading back to the office to grab some final instructions for the post production tomorrow.

What a way to call it a day. Great. Everything went smoothly. And what’s more favourable is that I was able to start over again with my boss. I’m wondering if I was able to win his heart? Nah! Early to say. 

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