Special Bonds, Special Words

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Kaori stood next to Aizawa, scratching at her wrist nervously. When he said they were going back to the Hospital to visit Eri, she thought she could be prepared. She thought it'd be so easy to walk in there, meet the girl, discuss her Quirk and talk through what she'd been through, but when standing in the lobby of the Hospital, things were different. She realized her and the girl weren't so different from each other. Their Quirks equally compared and contrasted to each other and first time around, they both rewinded something back to its non-existing point. She'd accidentally reversed a bird's wound back into a baby wing too small for its body. It was left defected and eventually had to be put down. This girl, Eri, however. She rewinded her Father into a time he didn't exist in and her Mother gave her up for it. It was cruel and terrifying and to think Eri would be given to her grandfather, who had no intention of hurting her, only to be given to Chisaki, where she became a human lab-rat. Now that she reviewed it again, Eri could've turned out like Tenko. As the thoughts and anxieties began to process faster, Kaori began to itch rapidly. Before she could start breaking her already red skin, Aizawa took both of her wrists, holding them away from each other. She looked at him in surprise before shamefully forcing her arms to her sides. He frowned at her apologetically, placing a hand on her shoulder before pulling out the arms-length artist gloves. She slipped them on quickly, trying to avoid the stinging urge to itch away the thoughts. 

" We'll figure out something when we get back. Are you ready?" He asked, placing his hand on the door before pausing to look at her. She nodded, placing a smile on her lips. He nodded, opening the door slowly. Eri, who sat on the bed, drinking a juice box, looked up at them. Eri stopped drinking the juice as she caught sight of the familiar Hero. The brief meeting between her and the girl were ones she'd never forget. The way her skin pricked as emotion flooded every part of her when the girl risked her life to defend her. 

" It's you..." Eri said in surprise. Kaori gave a smile as she waved at the girl. Aizawa closed the door behind them as Kaori walked toward Eri. 

" It's you. Eri, right?" She asked, taking a seat on the chair set next to the bed. Eri nodded, still surprised by the small meeting. 

" I'm Kaori. It's been quite awhile since we've seen each other! Almost 2 weeks." She said, letting out a small chuckle. Eri nodded, still frowning, but she wasn't sad. She wasn't made, either. She seemed...stuck. Stuck with a frown. Kaori's smile fell as she sat at the edge of her seat. 

" Eri, do you understand what your Quirk is?" She asked. Eri's frown creased, signifying she knew and it made her sad.

" You said...we have the same Quirk...but you don't have a horn?" Eri said, puzzled by the said similarity and the drastic difference. Kaori gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of her neck. 

" It's what I'm here to talk about. Your Quirk is Rewind and you're telling is your horn. It grows with the amount of Power you use. You rewind living organisms. My Quirk is Reverse, it allows me to revert things back to what they were. Living and non-living. My power grows when I apply more than one finger. Do you understand?" She asked, going slow with her explanation. Eri thought for a moment before nodding. 

" Does that mean you'll take away my Quirk?" Eri asked. Kaori stiffened, waving her hands in the air. 

" No, no! I would never do that! I can't do that, actually. Something like that takes at least two hands and that doesn't end well..." She said, becoming a little awkward at the end. The room was thrown into silence. Kaori looked back at her Dad, silently asking for help. She didn't know what to do and was scared she'd mess this all up. Two doctors peered in from a crack at the door, whispering to each other. Kaori's eyes widened as she began to imagine words coming from their lips. She looked back at her Dad, pleading for him to say something. She looked back at Eri, seeing the girl looking down at her lap. Why was she imagining Eri's thoughts? When did she become this nervous? Why was her mind suddenly against her? She let out a slow sigh, tapping her hand on her thigh. Eri, hearing the small noise, looked up softly. Kaori inhaled sharply as Eri looked up, seeing too much. Why does it flicker between Hana and Eri? Why is she seeing things? Why does everything move so slow and so fast? 

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