First Sight - NR

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Haha I'm fine; the lack of updates is not so sorry ig.


It's a Saturday night meaning me and my boyfriend, Taylor, are out for a meal. Me and him have recently been drifting apart and the relationship has become toxic and controlling. He doesn't let me go out to see my friends from work or go to work parties but he'll go out. He says it's to 'protect me' but in all honesty it's just giving me more reason to want to leave him. I'm just scared of what could happen if I did.

We walked in with our arms linked, a smile on his face and a similar one on mine. However I tried my best to look as uncomfortable as possible to show my uneasiness. Taylor earns a lot of money so we ended up going to the back VIP section. There was one table for two for us under this light at the back of the room. We sat down and we got handed our menu's. I looked between my menu and Taylor when I saw some people sat behind him,  across the other side of the restaurant.

"What are you looking at" Taylor asked clearly getting upset. "Just some people came in and they caught my attention." I replied quicky. He quickly turned around and saw the many people being seated. He huffed and pointed towards my menu, motioning me to continue looking at the menu.

Every now and again I look up to see this one woman staring at me. She is absolutely breath-taking, her red hair was set perfectly on her shoulders and her green eyes had a soft gaze when I caught her looking. I sent her a soft smile without being caught by Taylor which she happily returned. Soon enough the waiter came round with drinks. I noticed that I didn't get one and Taylor had a really smug smile on his face. "Where's mine?" I asked as nicely as I could. "Thought you could do without getting drunk tonight."

I leant back in my seat and rolled my eyes trying not to get annoyed by him. "Don't roll your eyes." He snapped causing a few of the heads from the other table to turn. "Don't yell at me.." I whispered.

"I'll do what I want!" He yelled smashing his glass. I flinched backwards and I saw him mouth the words 'fucking slut'. The lady that had been looking at me mouthed towards me 'Are you okay?'. I sent her a thumbs up under the table which she seemed to notice. Her and her friends I presume all began speaking and her eyes didn't leave me once.

Taylor directed his attention solely onto me. We made eye contact and it kind of turned into a staring contest. Of which still wasn't broken when the Waiter came back asking for the orders. "I'll have the chicken and she can have a salad." He snapped. "I don't want the salad- i'll eat what i want." I replied back to him, "Can I have the chocolate fudge brownie please?" I asked the waiter. She nodded and went off. I smirked hard at Taylor whose face was now as red as the lady's hair. The people behind Taylor kept on looking back and forth between their own meal and me. The red haired lady however- looked angry but her gaze stayed soft and on me.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" He exclaimed kicking my leg. I winced slightly before replying, "I don't love you anymore." His face looked slightly taken aback. He leaned forward and grabbed my wrist in his hand twisting it slightly. "Darling.. you have no choice but to love me." He laughed. "That doesn't seem fair now does it?"

A voice to the left of me spoke. I looked up and saw the red-head towering over us, her eyes giving me an uncomfortable feeling that she was about to kill Taylor. "Now I suggest that you Leave. Her. Alone." Taylor let go of my hand and walked off towards the exit.

The lady then looked towards me, her gaze much softer than the one she was using towards Taylor. "Can you stay here for a minute whilst I go sort something out?" She asked sweetly. She had this sort of huskiness to her voice that made her sound just as beautiful as she looked. "Y-yeah sure. Do you know how long you'll be miss..." I dragged it on once I realised I didn't know her name. "Natasha." She replied with a soft smile. Her hand that I didn't even realise was on my shoulder left and she walked out the door.

I looked down and began rubbing at my wrist where it was hurting. I heard footsteps approaching me so I looked up and saw a man sitting down where Taylor was sat before. He held his hand out and had a small smile on his face. "James Buchanan Barnes. Nice to meet you" I chuckled and shook his hand. "I decided to come say hi to you rather than let you sit here by yourself waiting for Natasha to come back and babysit you." He laughed sitting back.

"Yup.. I appreciate it." I chuckled. I continued to try and soothe my wrist when I noticed something. "Your arm is metal?" I asked genuinely intrigued. "Indeed I do." He took his jacket off and showed off his arm. "Nice." I said looking towards him.

Me and James were talking were talking for a little while, the people on the other table looked between us every now and again. Our conversation was cut off by someone walking back towards us. I looked up and saw Natasha looking slightly out of breath approaching us. "Barnes. Move." She said sternly. James got up and left making room for Natasha to sit where Taylor once was.

"You okay?" She asked giving me a soft smile. I nodded gently and she held out her hand. "I saw your hand was hurt so can I see it?" I nodded and gave her my wrist to hold. Her touch was gentle and felt kind. She touched one part of my wrist that hurt so I winced and pulled away. "Sorry..." She dragged out the word waiting for me to tell her my name. "Y/N Y/L/N" I replied. I handed her my hand back. "You've got a lovely name, Y/N." She said. Her fingers intertwined with mine and I felt somewhat safe. "Thanks, My parents gave it to me." She chuckled at my stupid joke and looked into my eyes.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" Natasha asked me rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb. "Y-No I don't actually. Not anymore." I said. "Do you want somewhere to stay?" She smiled and stood up. "I moved into my own apartment a while ago and I would love it if you could be my first guest." She smiled setting a hand out towards me. I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Would you mind?" I asked. She nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "BYE YOU LOT!" She shouted and I let out a small chuckle.

She led me out towards her VERY fancy car and I got into the passenger seat. "You want to put the radio on?" Natasha asked me. I turned the radio on and started humming away to the song. "You're very beautiful Y/N." Nat said out of the blue. I blushed hard at her compliment and she leant over to hold my hand. "Thank you Natasha, you're really pretty yourself." I struggled to get the words out in all fairness but I was telling the truth. How could you not be nervous when you see her? "Could I maybe take you out. Properly sometime?" I looked over to her dumbfounded. "I would love that Natasha."

We pulled up outside her apartment building and I got out. "I'm guessing your apartment is that one I can see from here.. That penthouse one." I chuckled pointing up. "You would be correct sweetheart." I blushed at her once more and we both walked in towards the elevator. Natasha picked her floor, still somehow looking perfect doing it.

The elevator door bell rang and we walked hand-in-hand towards the door. The apartment was gorgeous. Her aesthetic is gorgeous and matches her personality perfectly. "Your place is beautiful." I complimented. Natasha's hands went down to my waist as she helped show me around the place.

The final place Natasha led me to was the master bedroom. "You've got a lovely place." I smiled looking towards her. She laughed and put her head on my shoulder. "Wanna get some sleep? It's been a long night." She asked me turning me around to face her head on. I nodded and we walked towards the guest bedroom. "Here's some clothes for the night" Natasha said handing me some clean clothes. "Thanks." I looked up and my eyes met hers.

"Your eyes are gorgeous." She said, her hand coming up to cup my face. "And yours." I said. Nat leant forward and her other hand held my face. "Can I kiss you?" She asked me. I nodded and brought my face forward, my lips meeting hers.

After a few seconds I pulled away to catch my breath. "You're lips are very soft.." Natasha complimented. "Thank you.. I should probably erm.." I motioned towards the bed and Nat nodded looking at me. "Sleep well darling. I'll be right across the hall if you need me." Nat left the room and I got snuggled up under the bed. Feeling my happier than when I started the day.

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