Never Good Enough - NR

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This angsty sooooo, have fun. The reader is 17 and Nat's daughter :D

This was requested by @Veleteou


Mum, to everyone else she's a heartless, cold, assassin. To me, she is everything. The person you go to when your upset, the person that helps you fall back asleep, the person that makes everything bad seem good. Recently things have been changing. Peter asked her to help him with his Spanish homework and she snapped at him telling him that "She's not google translate". Then with Steve, he went to hug her after a mission like he does with everyone all the time, and she punched him in the jaw. This meant she got suspended for 2 weeks because she hit him for no reason. Mum has been like this for ages.

At first I was the only one that could get through to her. She would be laid in her bed of a night crying and hold onto me for dear life. As time went on, she stopped opening up to me and treating me like everyone else. However, I never got to know why she was like this. Eventually, she would lock herself in her room all the time, only coming out to train, drink or eat.

I had gotten close to Carol and Wanda. The pair helped me relentlessly. Because my room is next to Mum's, I could hear her sobbing at early hours of the morning and I would go to either of their rooms to seek comfort. Carol was good at making me laugh when feeling upset whereas Wanda focussed on getting me calm by rubbing my back and holding me close. It's not the same as mum but they do help. They know exactly how to help me when I'm down and they know exactly how I feel about the situation. Me and Mum have never been this distant ever and it's so hard to see her this little and this upset all the time.

Being a Friday night, I'm laid on Wanda's lap as she plays with my hair, whilst the whole team, except mum, watching 'Fear Street: Part 2.' We were about halfway through the film when the power went out everywhere. "For gods sake. What is Thor doing to make the storm THIS bad?" Tony says trying to fix the power outage with F.R.I.D.A.Y. That was until Mum came downstairs looking like a ghost. "Why has the power gone out?" She asked bluntly and with an eyeroll. "It's been storming for the past couple of days but clearly it's getting really bad." Steve says honestly. "Can't someone message Thor to stop being an arsehole?" Mum sighs. "It'll pass." Bruce smiled warmly towards her but she threw her cup across the room causing me to flinch into Wanda's lap. "I didn't ask if it'd pass, I told you to message Thor. So don't test me."

With that she turned on her heels and left. "She needs get her shit together." Tony sighs. I dug my head into Wanda's neck and began to softly cry, causing them to roll down and stain her shirt with my tears. "It's alright love I've got you." She cooed holding me close. "I'm so tired, Wanda. What did we do wrong." I cried.

"No one did anything, She just needs time." Steve said standing up and putting a hand on my shoulder before leaving to go to bed. "Right I think because Thor is obviously in a bad mood, we should head off to bed." Wanda suggested looking down at me. "Yeah sure." I nodded. Carol came up with us and we all got into Wanda's room. "She'll come round soon Y/N/N, just sleep for now my darling." Carol said holding my hand. "Goodnight you two." I murmured.

At this point I'm just so incredibly drained, emotionally and physically. At most I get two or three hours of sleep of a night. Most of the time I'm trying to hold in my tears from being rejected to hang out with mum. I knock on her room every night, telling her goodnight, go to her door and talk to her about my day at college through the door. I never get a response and It hurts. My own mother just letting everyone including herself go. It's getting so hard to the point where i'm falling asleep outside of her door, just waiting for her to open up and talk to me.

It's now Monday morning, meaning I have college today. Usually me and Mum do breakfast together but now she just sits there playing with her black coffee as everyone is sat around. "I'm off to college now mum bye." I said kissing her cheek and hugging her from behind. "Bye." She said blankly. "Nat, that's your daughter. Please be a bit nicer." Carol said as she turned towards mum. It's clear the team are starting to get angry at her ignorance. "Don't pretend that you care about her. She's my daughter. Not yours." Then mum turned her head towards me and put her arms around me. "Any of you try and take her away from me I swear I will break you"

Mum pulled me into the car and began driving me to school. I decided to break the silence, "Why did you ignore me." She just gently shook her head and continued to ignore me. "Mum please!" I pleaded. Mum continued to keep her mouth shut but there was one tear falling down her face. The moment we pulled up outside the school and I wasted no time to get out and slam the door shut as I got out. Today was going to be a long day.

The day ended up being really long and draining. Once I got home I made my way to the front door and walked into the living room. My body is so tired and I feel like passing out. I dropped my bag onto the floor next to the sofa and Wanda rushed in front of me. "Hey sweetheart you okay? You look kind of pale. Y/N." I nodded and sleepily wrapped my arms around her. "You look like your going to pass out Y/N." Carol said holding up one of my arms. My legs gave way and I ended up falling onto the floor. "Alright my love let's get you to bed." Wanda told me helping me stand up. I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist.

She carried me to my bed and I instantly let go when she put me onto the bed. I heard Carol shouting at Mum. I heard something along the lines of "You're a joke of a mother. It's been months and you have shown no care nor have you shown her any love. That girl has wanted nothing more than your love and all you have done is ignore her. This morning when I spoke up you only spoke up when someone else showed her some sort of affection and you went ballistic!" I just closed my eyes and Wanda left the room to go shout at Mum. My whole body was too tired to listen. That was until my door swung open and locked behind whoever came in. I tried to lift my head up but the person came up to me and I looked at mum in the eyes.

"Go to sleep baby, I've got you." She cooed, helping me put my head onto her chest. "Your just going to ignore me again when I wake up." Someone was banging on the door but mum put my earphones into my ears and played 'Father and Son by Cat Stevens'. "I'm not leaving you baby. I'm never ignoring you again. I was so scared of losing you I actually pushed you away and I'm sorry" I didn't answer her and just fell asleep in her arms.

When I woke up I was in the exact same position. "Hey baby.." Mum said looking down at me. "Why did you cry for so long mum and then slowly push me away I don't get it." I questioned.

Mum looked down and told me, "At first It was just my thoughts telling me I wasn't good enough to be your mum and I saw how happy you were with certain people so I pushed them away first. Then I saw how I made you sad by you holding me whilst I cried. So instead of hurting you, I pushed you away. Only I know now it hurt you more. I don't know if you know but me and the team haven't gotten along for a while. We all argued more whilst you were at school and seeing you, my only blood family, getting along with them and me acting like nothing had gone on was too hard. I love you more than anything my love. I will never stop loving you." She kissed my forehead and I laid myself back down.

"Can we agree on having a day-in? I'll go out get any food and drinks so you don't have to deal with them lot and we can just relax in my room all day, Mum." I said looking up at her. She nodded her head and for the first time in months, I felt like I was back to normal.

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