Somewhere safe - NR

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This is in honour of 20 parts, Here's a perfectly happy One shot. I apologise in advance. Reader is 16.

Plot: It's a surprise

Warnings: sadness, angst, implications of self harm


All rights reserved! This is my own story!

As if it's raining. God I'm so done with today. I'm currently waking home in a strop cause everything has gone wrong today. My dad had kicked me out, My phone fell into a drain, Some guy tried touching me and now it's raining. I don't even have anywhere to go cause my best mate got with my boyfriend whilst we were still together. So in conclusion I am now sat, here, on the curb, in the rain.. crying.

My thoughts were all over the place am I seriously that bad? I wish I had someone to talk to. No one loves me. If only Mum was here to hug me. Just as I began thinking deeper into my mind, A lady with longish-red hair came up to me. "Hey sweetheart. Can I sit?" She asked me pointing next to me. "Sit where you want" I reply, trying to hide the fact I was crying. The red-head sat down next to me then I suddenly felt to rain stop pouring on my back. I looked up to see the lady holding an umbrella above me. "Yano, you should find some shelter, It's gonna be raining for a while and you're going to get a cold." The lady said. "Never once did that come to my mind. God why didn't I think of that sooner?" I say, clear sarcasm coating itself on my words.

"I'm sorry, but do you not have anywhere to go to?" She asked me. "Nope." I said popping the 'p' but then turning away, signalling to her I wasn't interested in what she had to say. "I'm Natasha Romanoff. May I ask your name?" She said holding out her hand. I'm guessing for a handshake. "Y/N" is all I reply with, denying the handshake. I think that it was clear to her that I wasn't in a mood to talk to her so she retreated her hand and let out a huge sigh.

Natasha sat there gazing at me for the next few minutes, I suppose she's trying to read me. "Do you want to come back with me? I can get you a place to stay for the night." she asks me. Is she serious? I think to myself. "Ahh yes sounds perfectly safe, going home with some random lady I met on the street 5 minutes ago." I look up at her and I could see on her face she looks almost taken aback by my comment. "I'm being serious Y/N. I can take you back to the Avengers compound and I am sure everyone there won't mind you staying. At least till the rain has died down.. please?"

That was the exact moment it dawned on me. Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow was sat next to me. I guess I was too distracted by the tears in my eyes and the rain hitting the umbrella. Why is she talking to me? I thought. "Please, Come..." she said, standing back up and holding her hand out. I hesitated but accepted her offer, knowing the Avengers Compound is a pretty safe place to spend a couple of hours.

When we arrived, Natasha was headed straight for the elevator but I went the way labelled 'stairs' as I did not want to be in an enclosed space with someone, even if it is Natasha Romanoff. I saw her turn her head to see where I was but when she saw me headed for the stairs, huffed, then ran up next to me. "Please, move away a bit" I say. I felt slightly uncomfortable still cause she was stood so close to me and she took my words into account and moved to the other end of the staircase.

The way up was silent. Many stairs. A lot to talk about. Nothing was said. When we got to the top floor, Natasha broke the silence saying 'Follow me'. I reluctantly obliged but she lead me to what I'm guessing is a spare bedroom. "If you choose to stay the night you can sleep here. I am next door if you need anything. Please don't go wandering I need to make a few calls." She said and left the room. Was she just doing this to make a good impression? Is this all just an act? Will she leave me like everyone else? My thought got louder as the day went on. I've been failing to push them away all day but I finally succeeded and wrote a Natasha saying 'I'm going to play a videogame in a minute' because I noticed the PC in the corner, 'Would you like to come play with me?' I wrote and I exited my room and slipped the note under her door.

As I began loading up the PC and PlayStation I heard the door opening and stood there was the red-head. "I would love to join you" she said, sitting down on the bed. I put some music on the PC and loaded up 'Mortal Kombat' on the PlayStation and gave Natasha the Player 2 controller. "Player 2, is that some sort of person attack?" she asked me. "Yeah it is" I smirk, sitting down next to her.

I don't even realise but we had been playing for almost 2 hours now. "You can't be Sub-Zero again, Nat!" I say pushing her slightly. "I can and I will." "Fine guess I'll have to use Raiden to beat your ass then" The rounds were intense. She won one. I won one it was sudden death. "YESSSSS! IN YOUR FACE!" I squealed. I literally jumped off the bed and high-fived myself and looked back at Nat who had this sour-face resting upon her. "Is ickle Natty boo sad" I say kneeling in front of her "Did Y/N whoop your ass?" I say making a smirk begin to fall on her lips. "Okay, fine you win." She gave in, "But only cause I went easy on you..." she said. "Oh really? Is that how it's gonna be?" I ask. She then stands up and tackles me and starts to tickle me. "S-STOP OKAY NAT YOU WON!" I reply between laughter.

Not even 10 mins after our tickle fight, I've found myself cuddled up to the red-head and watching a movie. It's like I've known her my whole life. But I noticed the rain had stopped and we are still pretty much strangers. "Thanks for bringing me in Nat, but I should be going now." I say and her face drops. "I can't let you leave Y/N..." She says looking down at me. "That's not your decision to make unfortunately." I stand up and begin to leave when she runs in front of me and locks the door. "I know it's not mine to make but you said your what, 16? You should have someone to look after you." She says. Her phone that's rested in her hand then begins to ring. "Now? Okay I'll come down. Bring her with me? Will do. Thank you" she says into the phone. "Come on then."

She leads me out of the room and into this big reception area and I see two... maybe three policemen and a couple of ladies with badges on their clothes. Nat grabbed my wrist to prevent me from running away. "Nat?" I asked. She completely ignored me and began to tear up. "Hello Y/N. My names Charlotte from child services. We need to bring you somewhere else now. Somewhere safe, okay?" One of the ladies say to me. "Nat, I changed my mind. I'll stay here. I'll do anything just please... don't send me away." "I'm so sorry Y/N their gonna take you somewhere to get you better, okay?" she said, as one of the officers, gently goes for my other hand. "What? Get better? You think there's something wrong with me? Please... Natasha..." I say beginning to tear up. "I saw your arms earlier Y/N. I also know I can't look after you." she said letting go of my hand. "No... no please no... don't leave me please I'm begging you" I sob.

Nat does nothing, says nothing. But lets a single tear fall and walks away. "We will find you a good home Y/N. We promise." I heard someone say but my head was so filled with anger and betrayal. "NAT... PLEASE I BEG YOU! DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME..." I shout, "DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME AWAY." Nat turns around and a glimmer of hope flashes in my head, but is then almost instantly gone when I feel a pinch in my neck. Putting me to sleep.

Not once in my life have I felt so betrayed than what I did with Natasha.

Not once in my life have I felt so safe as what I did with Natasha.

Not once in my life as I felt as loved as what I did with Natasha.

Not once in my life, did I feel as wanted, than what I did with Natasha.


Natasha Romanoff  x Fem reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now