"Youre.. wow" - NR

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This was requested by alexap139 i'm doing your first request after this just thought i needed fluff :))


It's Saturday meaning it's date night, well it's supposed to be date night. We had to cancel because Natasha is on a MiSsIon. Selfish.

Rather than sitting in bed and sulking, I turned towards the clock. 11:36pm. I sighed loudly and wrapped myself up into a burrito using the bedding. "Natttt I wish you hurried up." I whined to myself. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through instagram.

It's rather boring sat here by myself. So I decided to annoy peter. Through text.

Y/N :/
Answer your phone
Ik you're like 16 but like answer your phone because i'm more important than sleep.
Oi Peter

Parker 🕷
WHAT! Jesus

Y/N :/
Come to my room. Please..!

Parker 🕷
Fine but if I get in trouble it's your fault!

5 minutes later Peter swung through my window, smashing it and ramming into the wall. "Shit!" He squealed jumping up. "Shhh! Shh!" I said slapping the back of his head. "Sorry!" He whispered.

"Come cuddle my child we need to watch Big Bang theory and nerd about it." I said hopping into bed. He literally jumped in next to me and cuddled into me. "Hi mum." He laughed pulling the covers up. "Put it on then son." I chuckled. Me and peter have always been close and we have this running joke that Natasha is Mama spider and is scary and i'm the cool mum and that's how our family would be if we adopted him.

"Sheldon deserves happiness." I say towards the TV. "Sheldon reminds me of you." Peter replies whispering. I squinted and tilted my head. "I'm not sure if I should be grateful or offended." I said truthfully. We both let out a chuckle before we went back to watching the show.

We watched a couple more episodes before Peter started falling asleep. I too was falling asleep. That was until the door slammed open and Natasha was stood there in the doorway. Peters eyes widened and my hand went to cover his eyes. "Hey bab- Oh my god" She squealed running into the bedroom en-suite. "she was naked.." Peter said softly, "Ima leave.." He said. I held my hand over his eyes and walked him out the bedroom.

Nat's uniform was on the floor outside. As I bent down to pick it up a pair of hands on my waist pulled me back, shut the door behind me and then slammed me up against it. I was met by Natasha's soft lips on mine. "Babe, you're.. wow."

Nat nodded before we both burst into laughter. "He saw you naked" I chuckled hugging her. "Could've been worse, he could've walked into us doing the deed." She laughed pulling me into her chest. My head leant into her neck and she lifted her chin to let me relax more into her. "Mmm.. tired." I whispered into her. She tapped my thigh indicating me to to jump and I wrapped my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist. "Let's go to bed then." She carried me into bed and let me hold her. "Why was peter here babe?" She asked rubbing my arm. "Wanted watch Big Bang theory." Nat hummed in response and held me impossibly closer.

"Go to sleep my love. I'm here baby." She cooed kissing my forehead. With that I fell asleep in her arms listening to her whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

I woke up to the sound of Nat throwing the alarm clock at the wall. "We need fix that window.." I mumbled as I watch Nat eye up the mess. "Yup but oh well." Nat shrugged pulling me close.

Nat got up leaving me to get changed. Well it didn't take her long. She knows i'm not a morning person so she wrapped herself around me and lifted me up into her arms. "Let's go get breakfast." She whispered into my ear. She carried me into the kitchen and onto the counter.

Peter then walked in and walked straight to me and wrapped his body round me. "What's wrong?" I asked him with slight worry. "she was naked.." He whispered with a small chuckle. I heard Nat laugh from behind him but I wrapped my arms around him. "I think Nat owes you an apology. Therefore she's gonna play uno with us." I smiled. Nat gave me a look that said 'you're dead later' but I just smirked at her.

"UNO! YAY ima go get it now." He ran off towards his room and I shrugged looking at Nat with a smirk. "You're lucky I feel bad." She said very sternly. "Yeah yeah whatever you say. You love uno."

"Not when I play against you two! You're both nerds and know how to play it. I don't! It's not fair." She kicked her foot against the floor and throwing a small tantrum. "Awww i'll go easy baby I promise."

We both finished up breakfast and after I made Peter clean the dishes I grabbed uno and began shuffling it. "So Peter, Because you saw Nat naked, it doesn't mean you have the right to try hard. Just, go slow" I tried not to chuckle at Natasha crossing her arms and huffing. "I'm not slow!" she whined kicking my leg from under the table. "I didn't say you wereeee" I laughed kicking her back causing her to kick me again. "And i'm the kid?" Peter asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes" Me and nat both said at the same time.

Everyone got their cards and we began playing. Funnily enough Nat was winning. That was until Peter gave her a +4 and then on his next turn turned it to blue which was the ONLY colour she didn't have. "This is bullying." She complained as she picked up her card. "Just cause your a sore loser, UNO." Peter excitedly said.

It was my go and I changed to to yellow."Nat switch it around" I whispered to her. She placed down a yellow switch and I gave Peter a +4. "Gods sake." He whined picking up 4 cards.

Not too long after Natasha was on UNO. "Come on Y/N..." Depending what I played here Nat would win or lose. I put down a red 7 and Nat squealed before putting down her final card. "I BEAT THE NERDS!" She smirked laughing and throwing her two middle fingers up at us and dancing around the table.

I was smiling widely at her acting so childishly whereas Peter was sat there wondering what had gone wrong. "Take that!" She laughed wiggling her hips and still dancing about.

Soon enough Natasha stopped dancing and had calmed down. She and Peter headed off somewhere. I suspect he was going to his room so I thought about doing what Nat did to me last night, back to her.

I undressed myself on the way to the bedroom and stood in front of the door in my lingerie. I opened up the door and Nat and Peter were sat on the bed. "Oh for fucks sake." Peter complained before jumping out the window. "He was in here." I chuckled throwing my clothes on the floor. "Indeed he was."

Natasha Romanoff  x Fem reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now