Drunk - Avengers

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Words: 750 :)

Warnings: None except a bit of alcohol but it's all fluff tbh

Your POV

It's a Friday night here at the avengers compound and as usual, everyone is scattered around the living room doing their own thing. Wanda and Natasha are reading, Steve and Bucky are watching TV, Pietro and Tony are on Mario kart (hogging the controllers I might add), Bruce is down in his lab and Clint isn't even here! He's gone to his family for the weekend.

This therefore means that me and Peter are bored. We are currently sat across from each other playing rock paper scissors. "I win again!" I say proudly, "How do you always beat me? Can you see it in my eyes" He says jokingly, "Peter, you my friend are easily readable. Plus you always pick paper."

We sat there for a couple more minutes laughing at ourselves before we realise just how boring everyone else was being. "Wanna do something fun and almost definitely will regret?" I asked him,

"Hell. Yes"

We both stood up and crawled away from everyone else and went into the kitchen to find Tony's alcohol cupboard. We both picked up a bottle of something each (we didn't see what we were too excited). "Cheers Mr. Parker" I said, clinking the bottles together "Cheers Miss. Y/L/N" and we both took a big drink each.

time skip 1 hour

Natasha's POV

I finished reading my book and set it down and had instantly noticed how deafening the silence was. I looked around to see that both Peter and Y/N are not in the living room where they were sat not too long ago.

"Have any of you seen Peter or Y/N?" I asked, not going to lie I wasn't expecting much of a response but Wanda spoke up and said how she noticed them going through into the kitchen not too long ago. I got up and made my way over to the kitchen and they weren't there. "Jarvis where are Y/N and Peter?" I say. "In Y/N's room Miss Romanoff" the AI says.

When I arrive at the door I knock gently but can hear giggles in the room followed with a slurred "come in" from Peter. I walk in to see 3 empty bottles of Vodka on the floor, Peter with a cone on his head and Y/N upside down, on the edge of the bed. I'm not going to lie, I'm secretly proud but I know momma Nat needs to come out.

"What in the hell do you two think you're doing?" I shout. Peter quickly tries to detach the cone from his head but I get met with, "Help! I'm stuck in a comb." I know he meant cone but then it hit me. Where did he even get a traffic cone up here and on his head? "Y/N get up and get into bed, Peter out!" I shouted. I could hear footsteps behind me and I turned to see everyone stood there and they all began laughing.

Peter was still standing there and Y/N started rambling on about how "Are oranges called oranges cause they're orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange." Not going to lie, she has a point. I tried to get the others to help me but they were still all too busy laughing. Wanda slowly got up and tried helping Peter with the cone on his head. "It is actually really stuck!" She said between laughter.

Peter lost it "Don't cut off my head! I can wiggle out I promise." Why does that kid always think we're going to kill him. I help Wanda with beginning to lead Peter out the room until the top of the cone connects with the top of the doorframe and he falls backwards. "I'm free!" He shouted as he wiggled out the cone. He didn't even realise he had just nearly knocked himself out. This makes the team laugh even more. I usher Peter to bed then realise Y/N is still sat upside down on the edge of her bed.

"You are in so much trouble in the morning you know" I tell her sternly, "How do mermaids give birth?" She replies bluntly. Again she has a point, but I have to be angry at her for doing this. After putting her to bed I begin to close the door and whisper to her "Goodnight Y/N sleep well darling."

Going back downstairs I glared at everyone who didn't help me and we all said that we are going to forever agree that they should never be allowed to drink again.


Hey I hope you enjoyed! If anyone has any ideas or requests I would love to hear them. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope it shows :)

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