8 - Dancer's Block

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"Sounds like Charlie Brown,"

"More like Charlie Chaplin. Come on," I motion for him to follow me to the practice room. Although I don't have the song picked out, I can still show him the basic steps.

He seems to pick up on it easily, which leaves me confused. The Charleston isn't exactly the easiest dance - albeit, it's not the hardest either. The steps are pretty simple but it's the speed I was sure would get him the first few times. It's quite strange because he was able to do it at the rate I was when I first showed him.

My look of confusion must have caught his attention because he smiles sheepishly, running a hand through his hair before pushing it off his forehead. "Yeah, I... I, eh. I looked up the dances from the past seasons and decided to see if I could do them. This one was one of the last ones I did so it's kind of fresh in my mind."


"Yeah.... do you think we could start practicing our dance for this week."

"Haha, yeah. About that..." He looks at me strangely. "I hadn't actually started making the choreography yet..."



"All right then. Well, what do you suppose we do?" He asks, throwing his hair up in a bun. I shrug loosely, not really thinking about what to do next. Instead, I was thinking as to why he decided to look up those dances. Did he want to win that bad?

"I uh, I don't know. I was actually hoping it would take you longer to learn the steps so I would have more time to come up with a good song."

"Maybe we could listen to some music? You know, to see if any of those songs would fit? Maybe we could play our music game..."

"I guess. Yeah, let's do that."


Harry and I had gone through album after album of multiple songs before we finally came across the right one.

I was actually quite upset when I told him I chose a song. I was having too much fun torturting him with my, apparently, 'grave worthy music taste.' He thought he was so clever when he came up with that because the majority of my music talks about death and sadness. I smacked him in the chest.

While he made me listen to some artists such as Fun. and American Authors, I was putting him through 'hell' with bands such as Psychostick, Attila, and Crown The Empire.

He punched my arm when I refused to turn 'So Heavy' by Psychostick off. It wasn't even that bad of a song. He must have been able to stand it a little bit because he was nodding his head along to the lyrics every time he thought I couldn't see him.

When I chose the song, I didn't tell him what it was. I knew he would get cocky and say I'm starting to like his music taste because of him, which would probably lead to a rolling of my eyes and a jab to his stomach from me.


"Niall," Greg calls me. Our parents aren't home and he's watch me go through our mum's closet. "Ni, what about this one?"

I turn around and he's holding up a lengthy maroon dress. It doesn't really fit my style, but it's better than most of the things my mother has. "Yeah, alright." The dress is handed to me. The dress it backless so I can't wear a bra with it, so I take the stick-on chicken fillet out of the new case I got. Greg snorts but doens't say anything. He's okay with my choice. He believes I can be who I want if it's what I truly believe I am.

"Don't look."

"What, why? I won't judge you."

"Shush, now turn away." He rolls his eyes, but again doesn't say anything. I quickly put on the stick-ons before slipping the dress over my shoulders. I'm quite bigger than my mother so the dress only goes to about mid-calf. "All right."

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ