Hello my Homies

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I have returned from the dead. 


I am working on the updated Pirates! story. 

I am posting the first chapter RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. so like yeah you should all go check it out hehe. I don't actually think anyone is gonna read this since I haven't written on here in like straight up 6 years or somthin like that 🤧 but anyway I got reinspired so like go check out the new Pirates! story on my profile! Cause I've worked really hard on the first chapter and I think ya'll are really gonna love it. I will do my absolute best to actually finish it (I am a full-time college student now so ya'll are gonna have to b patient with me hehe)

AGAIN: if you enjoyed reading the version of Pirates! I wrote I HIGHLY suggest you add this new book to your library (I have improved immensely since the 8th grade and now have college-level creative writing under my belt lmaoooo)

I love all of you who are still here with me mwahmwah go read the first chapter ilu <3

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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hiccup x reader ONE SHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang