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I  K N O W (Hiccup x werewolf reader)

Request:  denisescamander "Do a hiccup x werewolf reader"

Notes: This is all kinds of Harry Potter. Highly. Highly. Based off the Marauders. Im highkey trASH FOR THE MARAUDERS OKAY SO LET ME BE.

h/h = hogwarts house

c/n = Cat's name

Word Count:

Late, Late, Late, Late! You ran down the long halls of Hogwarts. Dammit! You were so tired. It was a late night for you. The rain had lulled you into an even deeper sleep and you'd woken up late for your classes.

Of course your useless roommates hadn't woken you up! Y/n regretted the thought immediately; Astrid and Merida were great roommates and it wasn't their job to wake you up, they had their own classes to get to.

Splash! You snapped out of your thoughts. Your right shoe and sock were now completely soaked from a puddle you'd gone running through.


Why were you SO unlucky! It wasn't fair!

You finished buttoning your h/h cardigan just as you reached the stairs to go up to divination, your first class.

"Oh joy! My daily cardio." you spat to no one.

The classroom was hot and humid as normal. You took your seat next to Hiccup.

"Are you sick?" He asked when you sat down.

"No. Why?"

"Well, you were late and you don't look good, thought you might have been in the hospital wing or something..."

Y/n was so done, "No. I'm not sick. I guess I just look like shit."

"I didn't mean it like that!"

You ignored him and pulled out your divination textbook. He tried to apologise but Professor Trelawney cut him off; she also noticed you had showed up late.

"Y/n, you were late to my class."

"Yeah sorry, I don't have an excuse."

"Oh honey I already knew."

Sure you did, like I'm not late every day, but whatever.

"10 points from h/h," she continued, the other h/h's in the room groaned and shot you dirty looks. You lost them points constantly.

"What happened to your cheek?" Hiccup whispered.

"C/n." Lie.

"That's a pretty deep cut, what made c/n that angry at you?"

"She was scared, tried to climb me." More lies, you laughed to lighten the mood and make Hiccup stop questioning you.

The common room bustled that night. Too many people for you. You snuck around by the wall to the very back corner where the noise was less nauseating. You pulled out your homework and the lines of text blurred together. You groaned and rubbed your temples.

"Hey Y/n!" Hiccup came over to you smiling but it disappeared quickly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little stressed... I guess."

"You wanna come with me to get a drink?"

"Sure." You stood. Everything became blurry and you felt your knees buckle and your body fall. Then darkness.

Your eyes opened to the hospital wing's ceiling. You were alone. Your head pounded as you sat up. You drank the water next to the bed and waited. A couple minutes later the nurse came into the room, "Good to see you've woken up."

You smiled at her. At 3:36 Hiccup pushed the door to the hospital wing open and continued to stuff rolls of parchment into his satchel as he made his way to your bed. Once he got to the side of the bed he had finally stuffed all of the papers into his bag and looked up to you for the first time. His eyes widened when he saw you were sitting up.

"Hey," You said softly.

"Holy Crap." He smiled, you smiled back. Hiccup pulled his satchel over his head and dropped it next to the bed; His hugs had always been comforting but never like this one. The two of you were still hugging when Hiccup whispered into your ear, "I know, y/n."

This is when you pulled back from him, "Know what?"

"I know why you passed out, i know where you got those scratches on your cheeks from, i know why you're late to class so often, i know why you're always tired and i know that i don't care."

"You know about... my condition."

"That you're a werewolf. Yeah."

"And you're fine with it."

"I'm indifferent to it. It doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"The way you feel about me?"

"Yeah, that's one more thing I learned while you were out. I love you y/n, and I'm not afraid of it and I'm not afraid of you."

"I love you too." You smiled at him and he smiled back. 

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