A little too fast

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I know this book is finished but I had to write this XD.

Y/n had spent the whole day hanging out in a tree (no pun intended). Which wasn't abnormal. You and D/n, your dragon, would disappear for elongated amounts of time. Today you we're sketching. D/n was playing in the tree making it almost bend in half.
"Hey maybe if you didn't steal those fish D/n, this tree wouldn't be bending in half," y/n looked at D/n with a frustrated face. D/n rolled her eyes.
-your pov-
"You know that's probably why toothless never pays attention to you," I said joking, trying to get a reaction out of her. I got a hit in the back of the head, witch pushed me out of the tree. I landed on a familiar black dragon.
"Oh, hey- toothless."
He grumbled at me then turned to face D/n, who had jumped down right after she pushed me off. She sat and looked away. Toothless sat up on his hind legs to look at D/n. Me, being still on his back, got thrown off. Into a one legged Viking.
"Oh, hey hiccup," I said as the Viking stopped me from hitting him.
"Hey y/n. I see toothless found you."
"Well actually I found him," I smiled. Then realized, my journal was gone. No one can find that or read that. Especially not hiccup. He walked over to d/n and toothless.
"Hey, y/n! Is this your journal?"
Apon hearing the words journal I sprinted at light speed over to him and smacked the book out of his hands. It made a thud is the grass.
I picked it up and wiped it on my shirt. He gave me a questioning face and smiled.
"Whats in there?"
"Nothing important... just stuff."
"Then why would you act like I can't look at it?"
"What are you talking about?"
He raised an eyebrow and ran at me reaching for my journal. I ran trying to keep him from reaching it. He couldn't catch me. I wonder? I thought to myself jumping up into a tree. He stopped at the trunk and looked up at me.
"Not fair y/n!"
I laughed and called for my dragon. after he heard that, he called toothless but I was already in the air. He caught up quickly and grabbed me from above. I was soon sitting in his lap, blushing. He smirked, I smerked and dropped the book down into the trees. He looked down upset then looked at me and smirked. Toothless dived to get the book.
"Ahhhhhh! No hiccup!" I screamed grabbing him and trying to stay on. He laughed and I smacked his chest with no effort. He got the book and I jumped off toothless, landed on d/n and flew as fast as I could. If I can't stop him from reading it then, heck, I'm not going to me there when he does. I landed next to my house I and went to my room. For thor's sake why did he have to me so determined to read that book. I walked into my kitchen, "hey dad."
"Hey y/n," my dad answered. I opened the cabinet and found a loaf of bread. I took a bite.
"Do you plan on eating the whole thing?" My dad asked me.
"Yers," was my muffled reply as I took another bite. I walked up to my room. As soon as I closed my door I heard a knock on my front door. It creaked open and I dumped my pencils out of the cup so I could listen to who it was through my closed door.
"Oh hello hiccup!"
"Hello Mr. (L/n), is (y/n) here?"
"She sure is, up stairs in her room."
I heard footsteps. I rushed to pick up some of the pencils before hiccup came in. The door opened to me sitting on the floor with 20 pencils in each hand and a half a loaf of bread in my mouth.
"Bad time?" He laughed at me. I put the pencils in the cup and put it on my desk. I took a bite of the bread and put it down. I shook my head no, the swallowed.
"No your fine hic. Urm what did you want?"
He started to studer, "urm uhm, (y/n). I-i'm sorry for t-takeing your journal and r-reading it. I f-figured out why you didn't want me to read it. B-but urm there's just one thing."
He walked closer to me and slipped his hand under the side of my jaw. He put his other hand around my waist so he could pull me in closer. I closed my eyes waiting. It was a quick Peck but sweet while it lasted, "(y/n) I love you."
"I love you too hiccup," I got an other quick Peck.
"You'll be my girl friend now?" He questions, "yes hic," another kiss.
"And you'll marry me when we're the right age?"
I stopped and looked at him, backing up slightly, not away from his touch but away from his words.
"Hold up there Viking boy. That is way to fast. Plus you have to wait and find out when you ask for real."
He sighed, "fine."
I hugged him and kissed his cheek, resting my head on his shoulder.

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