Are you kidding

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((This was requested by @Littlecamo8

Im going to try my best))

Hiccup and you had been married for a year now and boy, was he the best husband ever. You felt really sick recently with awful akes and pains in your stomach region. So you had been staying at gothi's untill today. She had wrote in the sand... 'No need to stay any more, but you need to tell Hiccup something... Your pregnant!' She smiled up at you and your eyes filled with tears of joy "I-I-i'm going to be a-a a mom!" And dispite your pain you ran as best you could to hiccup who was working filling saddle orders. "HICCUP!" y/n screamed. "y/n what are you doing out of bed? What happened? Are you ok? Please tell me your ok!" Hiccup said dropping his hammer and running to you. He gently put his hands on your shoulders. "yeah Hiccup, there is something I need to tell you..." You wanted to make him worry first. "Oh thor, what happened, what did gothi say?" He said panic stricken. "she-she said i'm, i'm pregnant!"you turned your frown into a smile and looked at hiccup. He was staring off into the distance like someone hit him over the head with a bottle. But the stupidest smile ever was plastered onto his face. He lifted you off the ground, spinning you around and yelling "I'M A DAD!" you laughed. He set you down. "i'm going to go home, eat, then sleep." You yawned. "of course, milady." He picked up his hammer and got back to work with a smile on his face. You walked slowly away to the chiefs house that hiccup had inherited when he became chief. It was far from gobber's old black smith shop. You got there and forfilled your plans.

~~time skip~~

That morning you opened your eyes and found hiccup sleeping next to you with his arm rapped around your neck ((not like a choke hold but like laying back behind it)) you got up not wanting to wake him cause chances are that he got in to that bed 4 hours ago ((working late)) so you kissed him on the forehead and left the house. You took a walk down to the great hall. As you were walking down you heard footsteps behind you. Pain. Darkness.

"what the?" You could feel a boat moving under you. "where am I?"

"your with me sweet face!" A face came out of the darkness. Dagur. You screamed for help. "no one can hear you scream from out here. You've been out for a while!" He said laughing. You lunged at him a chain on your wrist pulled at the muscles and bones in your hand. "are you trying to get me!" He laughed "I need to know where hiccup is." His sing song voice echoed around your head. "I don't know!" You yelled. You really don't he said you had been out for a few days so he is not where he usually is. Dagur lifted your chin, inches away from his face. "YOU LIE!" he smacked you hard sending you falling down hard on the wood floral of the boat. Toothless jumped down through the top of the sellar Dagur was keeping you in, hiccup ran to you. Toothless shot at dagur. But he lunged and dodged. Hiccup struggles you he you out. Finally he pulled out his fire sword and held it to the metal causing the chain to brake. He lifted you onto toothless who shot once more at Dagur then flew away. "But hiccup, the chain?" There was still a part of it on your wrist. "we will have to butter your hand" he laughed through his flying mask. You lifted it up. And kissed him on the lips. "I love you hiccup." You said. "I love you too y/n, and I will always find you." ((stole prince charmings line, sorry David! Once apon a time the show))

This was long. Ok so I hope you enjoyed and for more comment what you want me to do.

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