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The Raven base was a maze.

Cree and I walked through hallway after hallway, each one of them consisted of the same dark metal and weak, flickering overhead lights. Occasionally, a few steel doors would appear in the hallways. We would test them, carefully twisting the knobs and peering inside. We didn't bother picking the locked ones as that would've taken too long, but the ones that were open were mostly storage closets or abandoned rooms filled with tables and chairs, most likely where the Ravens worked and collaborated, drawing up schemes and monitoring their success.

Once, one of the doors opened out to reveal only a wall. We pushed at it, thinking it was a covered passage, but we didn't find anything indicating it wasn't more than a regular steel wall. An error in the planning of the building.

We managed to find a stairwell, though it only went up two floors before being blocked off. Now wandered, trying to find another way up from the floor which we must've swept through at least five times. There were no prison cells here, and I was starting to think they kept them at the top of the building.

With the lack of windows anywhere, I couldn't figure out how high up we were, nor could I navigate the floor we were on with its identical hallways. I hoped Cree would have a sense of direction, but he didn't seem to be faring much better. Still, we couldn't just stand still. We needed to find my mom and Nydia and leave.

We just rounded another corner when a group of seven Ravens appeared, raising their guns. I only hesitated for a moment before running forward, propelling myself into the air and kicking the gun out of the first Raven's hand while kicking another in the face.

There were shouts as they reared back, the others lifting their guns to take aim again. They were too late. Cree already lifted his own gun and was shooting them down. They ducked for cover and I rolled to the side into a doorway, trying to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately, one particularly relentless Raven followed my example, ducking to the right side of the hallway as they pointed a gun at my face.

I kicked it away and flicked out a knife, ready to throw it at my opponent, but he lashed his arm out, grabbing my wrist and twisting. Wincing I dropped the knife and kicked him in the face, but he blocked again. As he raised his foot, ready to kick, I took a page from his book and grabbed his foot, forcing him down. Sure enough, he tripped, crashing through the door. It swung open, revealing another hallway.

Brief confusion flashed through my mind as I realized the door had been locked before, but I didn't have time to dwell.

My opponent dragged me into the hallway, trying to land a punch, but I kicked him in the gut, pushing him off me. He staggered back and I got to my feet, running straight at him, still vaguely aware of the gunshots ringing behind me. I kicked him again in the face before he could gain his bearings. He stumbled to the ground and I flicked out another knife, slitting his throat.

I took a deep breath, the sound breaking through the silent hallway. I paused.

Why is it silent?

I turned around to find the door shut. I scanned the door, but there was no knob. There wasn't a way out. I banged on the door with all of my strength. No sound came from the other side. The door must've been bulletproof. Or Cree was dead.

Either way, it meant he couldn't help me. I turned back around. The hallway was long and empty, no other doors or diverging paths in sight.

I furrowed my brow. Why would the Ravens lock me in this hallway? Was it to separate me from Cree? Or something else?

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