“Charlie,” Cora signed, Aurora was doing nothing but watching the two of them bicker back and forth, she was hungry but she wouldn’t complain, she'd just let them finish their argument? She also couldn’t pay since she had no money, so she couldn’t join the argument over who would pay.

“Since you won’t let me pay for the meal, I’ll just pay for the dessert.” Cora smiled,” I’ll add a hot chocolate for the Swan Princess.” She lightly ran her finger through Aurora’s hair who excitedly bounced in her seat, she only had a bit of hot chocolate in the hospital and enjoyed it quite a bit, she would happily drink it again.

“No,” Charlie started, but Cora had already begun walking away while finishing writing off the order that was placed, adding a few extra that she would pay for herself, whether Charlie liked it or not.

“Papa, she said she was gonna give me hot chocolate!” Aurora almost squealed, a grin on her face as she thought about the warm drink, “I only had a little that Nurse Taylor snuck me!” She was giddy, a few of her hair strands twirled around each other.

“I heard,” Charlie smiled, he was told by Doctor Lee that she couldn’t have anything too hot, but it didn’t hurt to inform Cora to at least make sure the drink was lukewarm at most, “was it delicious?” It was like speaking to a young child, wording your sentences in ways that only a child would be able to understand, that didn’t make Charlie love her any less. He missed those baby days with Bella, and even then she wasn’t as responsive with her emotions like Aurora was.

“Very!” Aurora nodded her head, “I’ll have to thank her for the drink somehow?” She seemed confused, almost like she didn’t know what she was talking about, but her facial expression would soon go back to its natural cheery look.

“That’s good.” Charlie nodded, he remained quiet, just listening to the teen girls rambling, he was content right now, more content than he’s ever been. It wasn’t awkward having Aurora around, and it wasn’t like Bella, who he had to walk around eggshells with, it was simply natural, her joy spreading around the Diner as other occupants simply ate their food in silence to the sound of her chatter.

“Papa, look!” She pointed her finger towards the window, he wasn’t really paying attention to her words and simply just enjoying her presence, but he did have enough sense to gently lower her finger so that she was no longer pointing.

“It’s rude to point, Aurora, but what are you looking at?” He reprimanded her, looking out the window to see nothing.

“The puppy!” She was going to point again, but Charlie once again lowered her finger, with a look on his face.

“Aurora, no pointing and what dog?” He hoped his little girl wasn’t already going insane, seeing things that weren’t there, but a thump on the window got him reeling back in his seat.

“That puppy, Papa.” She giggled, finding Charlie’s startled appearance funny. She never really saw the man express anything other than happiness and a more neutral expression so the thrown off expression on his face was something new to her.

“Oh,” Charlie frowned, the thing was tiny and dirty, or maybe that was just the color of their fur. The dog also seemed to be lost, no collar or anything that could give a hint that he might’ve belonged to someone.

“It’s cute?” He wasn’t too fond of small breed dogs, enjoying the bigger ones because they are good for multiple things like protecting and hunting.

“It’s very cute! Can we keep it?” She gave a hopeful look, and Charlie frowned, he didn’t want to have it around, not really liking animals in the house and the puppy was too small to keep outside.

“I don’t think so,” expression fell, though his attention was directed to Cora who had brought a tray over to place their food down.

“Please Papa.” Aurora pouted, she really wanted that puppy, it’ll be cute to carry around.

“We can’t have a puppy right now.” Charlie had to hold back a grimace, Aurora looked ready to cry but she hadn’t shed a tear yet and was just sadly looking down at her plate.

“But maybe after we get you completely settled into the house.” He had hoped that the girl would forget about the puppy after that, he would get her a dog later, something bigger so it can do a better job at protecting her whenever he’s not around.

“Can we come back for them?” She wanted that puppy, no other puppy.” She stuck out her pinky finger, hope in her eyes as she kept glancing at the sleeping puppy from time to time.

“I,” Charlie paused, he didn't know Aurora very well, but he had an idea that the girl took her promises very seriously, and the hope he had for the girl forgetting the dog was now an after thought.

“I promise.” He signed, the worst thing that ever crossed his mind was his prayer that the dog would pass before then, he really didn’t want the small thing around the house.

“Okay,” Aurora didn’t say much after that, choosing to instead direct her attention towards the fries on her plate and the fish that she found out she didn’t really like very much.

Charlie could only mumble under his breath, he would end up having to pack the food for the next day because Aurora doesn’t eat much, but she happily drunk up the hot chocolate and ate a bit of the lava cake.

Back in school, so updates will resume being once a week, or when I have time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back in school, so updates will resume being once a week, or when I have time

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