Sorry for hurting you, biggie

Start from the beginning

I heard a knock at the door that gained my attention.

"Come in!" I yelled while sipping on my drink. This day is starting to piss me off! My woman is leaving me and bi-

"Boss, what are we going to do about man downstairs?" Tony asked while referring to the man that broke into my house. I shrugged my shoulders and downed the rest of my drink.

"Do you want me to kill him?" he asked as I shook my head "no".
"Then what do you want us to do with him, capo?" he asked while running a hand through his hair. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders again.

Then tried to down my drink but it was empty. I screamed a "fuck" before throwing the glass to the wall. Tony backed back and looked around my office to see it trashed.

"Damn boss, what's got your panties in a tw-

Before he could finish his sentence I shot the floor beside him and he ran out.

"They always want to fucking try me when I am  not in the fucking mood!" I yelled before throwing the stapler. It made an indent in my wall and I cussed out loud.

"I just want to murder and kill. Murder and kill, murder and kill!" I sang, repeatedly as I stared up at the ceiling. So fucking psychotic and sadistic.

I heard yet another knock at my door gaining my attention.

"Come in, merda!" I yelled while putting my hands behind my head and closing my eyes.

(Translation: merda = shit)

I heard the door open and then I heard a "boom" sound as if something has dropped.

"What the hell happened, Enzo!" I heard Bonnie's sweet voice yell. My eyes shot open and I took my feet off of the desk, I stared at her and she stared at me, waiting for answers.

"Uhh, Hello? What the hell happened?" she yelled while motioning to the things on the floor. I stood up and walked up to her, she backed up some but only a little.

"Stop doing that, Bon, you know everything I did was to protect you, not harm you!" I yelled at her. She gave me an unknowing look then looked down.
"Enzo...c-can we go?" she asked while completely ignoring me. I reached to grab her face, but yet again she backed up, only a little.

"Stop it, Bon! That shit is really pissing me off!" I yelled after finally getting tired of her bullshit. I grabbed her face and this time she let me.

"When...are we leaving?" she said while gulping. I scratched my head irritated before grabbing the bag beside her, I left the office with no second thoughts and started descending the stairs.

Bonnie followed right after me as I left through the door and went straight into the limo.

We were met with an uncomfortable silence. She was doing something on her phone while I tried to find something to do on mine. I was staring at her for too long because she placed her phone down and started to stare back at me. I smirked at her toughness as we basically had a "who can keep eye contact" competition.

She bit her plump lips causing my eyes to fall onto them. I licked my lips then bit them. I saw a smirk form on hers as I lost eye contact and stared at her lips. I looked into her eyes then I studied her body. Her legs started to close more tightly, she's fiddling with her hands and bit her lips more.

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