Always a Need for a Ninja

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Summary: After the events of the final battle between the Overlord and the Golden Ninja, Garmadon contemplates his past wrongs and whether or not he is both truly changed and forgiven.


Life is full of twists and turns, often ones that either bring about chaos or peace. Twists and turns that could bring about a change in the balance of good and evil, swinging the pendulum completely and utterly to one side or the other. Twists and turns that would be better off gone from the face of Ninjago, Garmadon decided.

After all that had transpired over the past few months, he knew he should feel grateful, overjoyed even. The young saviors known as the ninja saved Ninjago once again, and the Overlord had faced defeat in the final battle and been purged from the world... for the time being. The final battle, as Garmadon of all people could clearly recall, resulted in the prophesied "Green Ninja" rising up once more and unleashing the golden power of the First Spinjitzu Master. The fateful battle that had pulled away fate's pendulum from the darkness.

Despite all he knew, the bitter regret coiled within him was the very reason Garmadon stood alone and reflected on all that had happened. First intentionally and later unintentionally, he had become the greatest menace to Ninjago. And, to a certain extent, a menace to the son he so dearly loved.

It wasn't me though, not really. I would never hurt him, he insisted to the treacherous thoughts in his mind.

That was not enough consolation, however, and only made way for more insecurities, new ones.

But it was your fault, you did nothing to save him.

The voice pounded into his brain over and over, a sickening tug on his mind and heart alike, as though the Overlord still held control of him in some way.

Perhaps, in a manner of speaking, he does.

The forlorn thought drifted off and Garmadon flinched as though claws still ripped through his skin, searing pain overcame him as he fought for control—

"NOOOOoooo!" he howled.

For a brief moment Garmadon paled, desperately hoping no one would hear him or investigate the shout. He quickly relaxed once more, however, as he remembered that he stood on the outskirts of Ninjago, far from where any citizen might hear his cry. Garmadon fought to calm his breathing and closed his eyes.

None of the others felt this way, he knew. His brother, Wu, had welcomed him back with open arms, just like Misako and all of the ninja had. His brother had welcomed the peace, and as much as Garmadon wanted to accept it as well, how could he accept that it was himself that had disrupted the balance in the first place?

Most importantly, still, was the fact that whatever damage he had done, Lloyd had risen up to undo. Despite his original feelings on the matter, Garmadon admitted to himself that he would forever be grateful that his son could combat the darkness. Even now, considering Lloyd's determination to help his father. The old man let a bitter laugh escape him. Not that he deserved any help. Besides, if he was as truly evil as he still sometimes felt, no amount of good could save him, even if the others believed the darkness in his veins had been purged.

A branch shifted and Garmadon's eyes flashed open. He glanced at the branches of the cherry blossom that hung above him, but concluded that it was only a changing breeze. Still alone. For now.

Ironically, the one individual who he felt least guilt about was Wu. Despite the rivalry and fights waged between the two, they now grew closer than ever.

What was it that Wu had adopted as his newest wisdom-filled phrase? Ah, right: "There's always a need for a ninja." A fitting phrase that Wu's prized ninja had come up with, but one that no longer seemed to apply to the broken, fearful man who did his best to see the good in the world and even himself. Someone who did not truly deserve mercy, someone who had abandoned his way as a ninja long ago.


Garmadon closed his eyes as the age-old familiar voice reached his ears. Amidst partial relief that Wu had found him, his thoughts circled around to the unending cycle of guilt plaguing him.

"Hello... Wu," he responded, careful to keep his voice flat and neutral.

"Is something the matter?"

Whether or not they stood face to face, those words would reach him anyways. Exhaling deeply, Garmadon turned to face his younger brother.

"Why should something be wrong? Only two months ago, Ninjago watched one of its greatest battles, and greatest victories, yet to be seen. Now it is healing, despite all of the..." He swallowed, face burning slightly with shame as he continued. "Despite all of the destruction. And now Ninjago has seen far more peace than it has in years, thanks to your ninja."

Apparently, Wu's wisdom included perceiving the guilt and fears that Garmadon so poorly hid. He raised an eyebrow, immediately taking in the regretful expression on his older brother's face.

"Is that so?"

The words appeared more spoken to himself, almost as though he were musing over some sort of dilemma, but Garmadon felt them pierce his heart.

"Well, not exactly," he amended, and to his immense surprise, Wu merely nodded and turned to look down the mountain at Ninjago City.

So much time had passed when he finally responded that Garmadon started, unaware that his brother had meant to continue their conversation.

"Mistakes are something that everyone makes." Wu's gaze was steely as Garmadon met eyes with him once more. "Also," Wu continued, "Do you not think anyone else has their doubts? Your very son has doubted whether or not he deserves the role that has been placed upon him. He did not choose for it to happen, just as any evil that befell you was not really your choosing."

The two men stood together in silence once more before Garmadon found his voice again.

"I am well aware that all is apparently forgiven. But unfortunately, that does not include myself. Even if you can forgive me, I—I can't stop the thoughts inside my head." With an agonized groan, he sank down against the tree once more. "My son has proven himself by acting to undo his wrong and become a better ninja, and yet I have nothing to do to fix my mistakes that has not already been done by someone else."

Wu gave him a gentle smile, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I am certain that everyone, even the Green Ninja, has struggled on the path of righting their wrongs. But that does not stop one from doing the right thing and working to correct them anyways." He shifted the staff in his hand. "Besides, you were trained as a ninja as well, no matter what paths life has led each of us on since then. Ninja do not give up. And even in times of peace, or even when mistakes seem to have been righted—"

"There's always a need for a ninja," Garmadon finished. A faint smile briefly showed on his own tired face.

"Exactly," came the firm response. Wu's eyes twinkled as he glanced at his brother. "Do what you need to forgive yourself and do right, but know that all of us have already forgiven you for everything you still cling to."

A sudden gust swept a flurry of cherry blossoms around both of them, and Wu had to jump to reclaim his hat as the wind almost carried it off. A stronger smile now on his face, Garmadon, turned towards the City, which was lit up by the orange glow of the setting sun.

"Maybe you are right brother," he murmured. "While I must work to do some good in this world, there will always be a reason to fight for Ninjago as more twists and turns arrive. And there is always a need for a ninja."

Together, the two brothers turned to leave the mountainside that overlooked Ninjago City and its people. Far below, children ran about in the setting sun, heads full of dreams of becoming as great as the warriors that protected their city.

Always a Need for a Ninja | Ninjago OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora