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Zena's POV

Nyx was speaking to Ken about the proper technique to hold a blade. I ignored them since I was watching Acacia string up the bow. She made sure it was taught before handing it to me. She saw my melancholic look, so she gave me a quizzical stare.

"I'm not good with weapons." I admitted. "I rely on my magic and then fall back on my combat experience. Swords and arrows perplex me."

"Remember my dad showed you how to properly use them." She smiled. "Albeit that was a while ago." We chuckled.

"Good luck." She gave me a long kiss before gently shoving me away.

I blushed and walked after Ken. Kiki was sitting on the ground, flexing her dagger skills. She flipped up when we neared her. Ken wanted more practice with daggers, so Kiki showed her a few drills to do. I walked to the target practice with a couple dark elves and a kitsune. Deji greeted me with a head nod while the elves kept their distance.

I fired a few arrows, but wasn't the most successful. The kitsune was far better than me, but not as good as the elves. We ignored their attempts to show off since their weapons of choice are typically swords and arrows.

"Need some help?" The kitsune spoke to me.

"I would sound idiotic if I turned down help." We chuckled at my words. "I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong."

"Your technique is great. You had a great teacher." I smiled as I thought about Erik's assistance. "It just seems that your mind is all over the place and lacking focus."

"I see." I aimed again at the target.

I closed my eyes and opened them with my freshly blanked mind. I made sure my arm was steady before releasing the arrow. I watched the arrow whizz through the air and puncture the red circle. I smiled at the kitsune, who grinned back.

"Nice shot. Not as good as mine, but you'll get there." She teased. "Deji." She bowed.

"Zena." I bowed back. "So what made you want to compete, Deji?"

"My father was a soldier in our realm, so it was only fitting that his child compete." She fired an arrow into the bullseye. "It's a great source of pride for his offsprings to compete."

"Offsprings?" I furrowed my brows.

"My adopted sister over there." She cocked her head in the direction of the blond.

I watched the blond perfectly parry strikes against her opponent. She had fluid movements and was incredibly agile. I noticed White Fang halted her training to admire the blonde fox.

"Who's the guy again?"

"Jin." She shrugged. "He's a soldier in the military. Not that surprising that he's good." She smirked when he shot her a glare, which allowed the blond to slice his back. "He's a good friend of ours."

"What's it like in the kitsune realm? I've never been." I fired another arrow at the red circle.

"It's technically not the kitsune realm." She fired two arrows at the bullseye. "It's more dubbed the East Asian realm because we have a lot of supernaturals there. You have the kitsunes, dragons, onis, and other exotic creatures." She shrugged. "It's truly beautiful there, though. Like lush greenery you'd associate with Japan. Ya, I'd say our realm has Japanese type vibes."

"What do you think of the human realm?" I placed my bow down.

"Nothing like home." She laughed. "But it's beautiful. I'll give you guys that." She playfully tapped me with the arrow.

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