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Yeira's POV

Honk Honk

I fell off the metal sheet from that scare. I swam back to the surface and saw a ship in front of me. It wasn't as huge as the cargo ship, but still quite big. It looked like a private yacht based on how the people dressed. They were speaking in a different language which I assume to be Afrikaans.

"Oi! You good?!" The man's South African accent ran thick.

"Ya, mate. Soon as I get out this water!" I swam to the boat.

Two guys quickly dragged me out the water. A couple women took me to the bathroom and allowed me to wash up. I was provided fresh clothes and water. They offered me food, but I declined it.

Through conversation, I found out they were a group of friends sailing around Africa on their private yacht. They told me we were close to South Africa and that's where we'd be docking. They were curious how I ended up shipwrecked, so I told them my ship caught a fire and I was the lone survivor (I live for the dramatics). The group felt terrible and wanted to ensure I saw a doctor, but I told them I had family in South Africa, who would take care of me.

In actuality, I had a date with an unsuspecting Eris.


The plane from South Africa had finally landed in Somalia. I wasted no time in tracking down the captain of the pirates. Through torture, the loss of limbs, and a lot of blood... he revealed that Eris had left for Ethiopia. I killed him before tracking that evil slut down.

I entered a bar to see Eris flirting with a guy. His hand was on her upper thigh while she leaned in to blow air against his lips. He reached behind him to hand her a bag. Hmm...

I grabbed a beer from a random person. I gulped the drink before walking to the empty seat.

"Bonjour, belle." I placed a strand of hair behind Eris' ear. She turned around in shock to see me. "Surprised?" I gave her a toothy smile. "Well, I'm not." I allowed my nails to imbed into her forearm. She grunted while I narrowed my eyes at her. "I tirelessly hunt down my enemies and you, Eris... have now become my enemy."

I allowed my eyes to glow, freaking the guy out. He quickly scrammed from the bar while Eris was trying to regulate her breathing. She held my eye contact and didn't waver. I admired her strength, so I smiled and released her. She immediately rubbed her wounded arm.


"Like I said, I don't give up." I motioned for the bartender to fix me a strong drink. "Now, I'll make this short and sweet, where is the blade I demanded.

"I don't ko- ugh." She grunted when I pressed my nails against her neck.

"Rethink your next words very carefully, cherie." I smugly smiled and knocked back the white rum. "Now, I'll repeat the question so you can give me an answer I can work with." I smiled while she glared. "Where's the blade?"

"I. Don't. Know." I pressed my nails deeper against her windpipe. "I'm telling you the truth." She struggled to get out because my nails were making it difficult for her to breathe. "I acquire the possession and then deliver it. I don't know what happens after that. I swear!"

"Hmm... who was the buyer?" I released her and drank some scotch.

"Some guy from Liberia. He wanted it as a way to show off his status or something. That's honestly all I know!" She urged me to believe her.

"What is he?"

"Umm... human? A witch? I don't kno-"

"I meant his occupation, cutie. I can handle any species without a hitch." I flashed her a smile. "Is he an ex-warlord? Drug dealer? Honest businessman?" I snickered.

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