A case to resolve

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34 hours that I am in this room. Time starts to feel like an eternity. The agent finally came back with a thick file, before giving me an explanation:

"Sorry, there isn't everything, my team had to filter what you can possibly see. My boss gave us an order."

"That's okay. I think... I will tell you once I will have taken a look at it."

Officer Eun placed it on the table before telling it was mine to read. I took a deep breath before opening it. I briefly looked at the first pic. The back of his tight was all red, pink, and purple due to a contusion. His knee's X-ray showed a bone contusion. Then, I looked at his chest X-ray that implied a few broken ribs. I wondered out loud what will it do on his interior. I closed my eyes to imagine his inside with those fractures. I grimaced and tried to look away. But you can't look away from your imagination. So I opened abruptly my eyes. "Jeez!" I shook my head to regain my spirit. "It will sting at his awakening... He would also have difficulties breathing." I look at another pic, a pic of his chest on its left side. I suddenly asked: "Officer, do you have a map?" Taken aback he simply asked "What?". I looked up at him. He seems to be concentrated on me. He was confused by my question.

"A map" I repeated.

"I can not go find it."


"I can't let you alone with the file."

"And those people?" I asked pointing out the dark window, "I think they will see if I do something. But to be sure..."

I push my chair against the wall to be far enough from the table. He capitulated and came back lending me a paper map. "Your pen please." For a second time the word "what" came from his mouth. So I simply repeated: "Your pen please". He gave it to me. While I marked the place where the crime took place I start thinking.

"After the files, it happened here."

"Yes?" he confirmed doubtful about the interest.

"As I remember, that's not Dewei's road. Where was he going to or coming from?"

"We don't know."

"True, Dewei is not awake. Hum. Then. He lives here."

"How do you..."

"It was written inside his backpack. I saw it once," I cut him, "I live here. What was he doing?..."I reflected on playing with the pen. "Did he have something on him? What was he wearing?"

"He was in civil clothes. I don't remember what exactly it went to the scientific."

"Civil clothes? .. Oh... Then he must be going somewhere. Wednesday, he has kind of lessons, he goes wearing his uniform. So if he was in civil clothes at 8:38 PM, he was definitely going somewhere." I observed.

"How do you know about the hour? We erased that from the files we gave you."

"It's the time he called me. He must have happened after or during those calls. He can not call someone on the state he has been left."

"... Keep going."

"Why did he take this street? What was he doing in this district? It's Ninj∀'s favourite place..." I thought out loud.


"I know my district is dangerous. They are multiple gangs."

"Okay, and why the Ninja's?"

"Look at that pic of his thorax. You see that contusion here?"


"If you look closely you will see a form. Probably left by a signet. It was too early to see it clearly but we can surmise the ∀. Yes, you will say it's a capital A but no. Imagine you are the aggressor. The first thing to do is scare him and 'show him who's the boss'. For that probably one or two will maintain him. The other one will punch him in the stomach. With the uppercut the became Ɐ an A. So now I know who did it but I still ignore what he was doing here." I explained with a demonstration of an uppercut.

"You don't ask why?"

"Why they did that?" I asked not sure of what question he implied.


"It's their territory, there is a right to enter," I explained.

"And you have it?"

"I guess."

"For you to know, he has a little gift bag and..."


"A pencil."

I stuttered a what, I have stayed stood up after I demonstrated an uppercut but I fell on my chair. "He told me he was going to give it back to me that day. I presumed he would give it back the next day because he left it at home. But he had my phone number it supposes he took it in my school's identification document where you can also find my address. I should have avoided him since the beginning! At least warn him! I don't know. I should have...!" Tears wouldn't stop falling along my cheeks.

"You couldn't have known."

"Of course, I should have known!" I shouted, "I know what it takes the first time you enter their territory!"

"Is it where your scars came from?" he asked quietly bringing me some peace again.

"Only one of them.."

A policeman storm him shouting " Sir!". Officer Eun gave him his favourite answer "what". The policeman greeted him and bowed to me. Did this guy just storm in? Then he bowed to me? What the hell? Then he asked very politely to speak in private with officer Eun who asked him if it was urgent. I feel like intervening: "I won't run away, you know..."

He came back in a hurry after less than 3 minutes. "You're free". That makes me use Hyunshik's favourite word: "what?". He then explained to me:

"Dewei woke up. He told the agent, he has been assaulted by three men. And when the policeman asked if you were implied he explicitly told that you weren't."

"He woke up?!" I exclaimed while standing up unexpectedly again.

"I am sorry he fell again into..."

"I see," I cut him off, "do you have a car officer?"

He confirmed he has one. So I asked him if he would drive me to the hospital. He answered by telling me it was the least he can do even if I should eat a bit before. I strongly disagree:

"It's nine AM and I don't want anything else than going to see him."

He was surprised I keep the notion of time in the room without any clock. I replied to him that it has been thirty-five hours since I came into the room.

"You're simply incredible," amazed Hyunshik said.

"I am not," I clarified, " let's go."


We then left the room. A bunch of policemen bowed to me... They apologized for keeping me all this time, affirming they were in the wrong too. "Anyway" was my only answer before pleading the officer Eun to go. But astonishingly a conversation started between some officers:

"We are going. I am driving him. See you all later," Hyunshik explained.

"Team leader?!" one of his teammates shouted.


"The boss said you should take your day off" his junior reported.

"Why would I?"

"Spend time with your daughter," his freshly came boss ordered.

"It's Friday... She's at school."

"Then take a rest!" his boss said.

"Okay, Sir." Hyunshik capitulated.

We left.

The Pencil's CaseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant