it takes a village II

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"That's wild," Damian says. "Wait, can they say stuff?"

"Kind of," Janis chuckles. "They babble a lot, and they'll repeat sounds they hear. Caddy's taught them a few signs, so they can say, like, 'more' and 'all done' and 'eat' and stuff. But in terms of actual vocal words they're not quite there yet."

"How cute," Damian says. "They're already so different."

"Yeah, Layla's usually the chatty one, too, I think she's tired," Cady hums. Layla seems to realize she's being spoken to, suddenly perking up and giving a sort of shriek. "Oh, really? My goodness. Can you show Uncle Damian your signs?"

She sits Layla on the counter, standing behind her to hold her upright. Layla immediately tries to crawl away, but Cady grabs her and drags her back.

"My little escape artist. Can you say 'more'?" Cady coos, holding her hands up so Layla will sign. She has to repeat it a few times, but Layla does eventually copy it. It looks a little bit more like she's clapping, but the message is there. "Yeah, good job! How about 'all done'?" Layla wags her hand as if she's waving. "Good girl! Clever little monkey!"

Leo suddenly pipes up from Janis' arms, pointing to Layla and babbling, "Lalalalala."

"Yeah, that's Lala, huh?" Janis says as she bounces her up and down. "Can you say Mama? She's there too."

"Aaah?" Leo calls. "Mamamamama."

"Yeah, that's close, Bumblebee!" Cady cheers. Layla fusses at being picked up again, so Cady takes her to the playpen in the living room and sets her down. "Oh, I forgot the pets. You can feed them at the same time you feed the babies, and Daffy will paw at the door if she needs out or back in. Ellie's pretty easy, just feed her and she'll probably leave you alone the rest of the time."

"Fadada," Leo babbles happily, trying to speak to get more praise.

"Yeah, you love Daffodil, huh? Can Mama hold you?" Cady asks, taking her as Leo reaches out. "Yeah, hi, pumpkin! Oh, I love you so much."

The baby squeals happily as Cady kisses her chunky little cheeks over and over and leaves little lipstick prints behind. Leo swipes at her face with her chubby hands, trying to wipe them away.

"Oh, do you not want my kisses?" Cady teases. Leo shakes her head back and forth. "No no no? Okay." The baby giggles again and gives a nod. "Oh, you do want kisses? Haha, yes!" Leo squeals as Cady kisses her one more time, reaching for Janis to save her.

"Mee!" she calls desperately.

"Mommy will save you, come here," Janis chuckles. "Mwahhaha, now you're trapped!" She kisses her cheeks too, leaving darker prints behind over the others. Cady presses in on the other side so both of Leo's cheeks are squished out into a pout by her mothers' kisses. Leo just sighs dramatically, seemingly accepting that this is the family she was born into. "Okay, now you can go play with sissy."

Damian is almost crying at seeing his best friends interact with their baby. He follows them to the living room, where Layla is in her playpen and very occupied gnawing on some toy keys. They set Leo down and she quickly crawls her way over.

"Alright, girls, Mommy and I are gonna go bye-bye now," Cady says, scooping Layla up to kiss her goodbye. "You're gonna have so much fun with Uncle Damian!"

Janis also leans in to kiss Layla goodbye, smooching her even chubbier cheek before resting her back in her little pen.

"Did you tell Damian about-" Janis asks worriedly.

"Yes, he knows everything he needs to," Cady says as she drags her towards the door.

"But what about-"

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