CH. 9

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Jungkook’s POV

“There’s my favorite boy” Jimin smiled at me and ran in my direction “I called you all weekend, why haven’t you picked up? Are you breaking up with me?” he pouted and enlaced my arm, making me roll my eyes.

“It’s too early for this, Jimin,” he just chuckled.

“I have good news for you. I heard that the dance club is recruiting new members and I have signed you up to take the audition in a couple of hours” I stopped walking to look at him.

“Jimin, I don't have time for this. That’s why I quit, remember?”

“Yes, I know and I believe half the university also knows about the tantrum you threw before you left the team”

“Please don’t start” I sighed and he went into dramatic mode.

“Poor trash can” he shook his head “Didn’t stand a chance”

“Can you stop now? I was having a nanny trouble last year, and San wouldn’t sleep through the night”

“Yup, you’re stupid and don’t know how to deal with your emotions. That’s why you hit people, trash cans and almost went to jail once”

“He was messing with a girl” I replied between my teeth.

“And good thing you were there to do something about it. To be honest I’m happy that it’s been a while since you got into a fight” I looked away “It has been a while, right?”


He hit my arm with an angry facial expression.

“No way! When was it?”

“Friday. Y/n was there such as a guy being inconvenient so I helped” I fiddled my fingers not wanting to face my friend.

“And how exactly did you help?”

“I may have broke his nose”

“Oh my God!” he gestured with his arms “Jungkook, you promised us!”

“I know, but I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing!”

“If you want my forgiveness you’ll do the hearing today” I looked at him incredulously.

“No, c’mon” he started to walk away and I followed behind “Choose something else”

“I know you love dancing so I’m actually doing you a favor. Starts at 10h, don’t be late”

I groaned and sighed frustrated.

I still need to find Y/n and ask her out, like I have been practicing all night. I checked my watch and noticed it was 8h50. Maybe if I run to the dance studio I can ask which time classes are being held and If they are still in the afternoon I don't even need to do the audition since that’s the time I have with San. Great plan.

I’ll be a little late for my next class but that’s fine. After that my main focus will be to find Y/n.

As I approached the dance hall I could already hear the loud music coming from inside. Damn, I missed this. I had been a member of dance class since high school and had to leave after San was born. I was away for a year and when I came back it was even more complicated. It was necessary to change babysitters several times because he couldn't get used to any of them and multiple times I had to run home for various reasons, the biggest one being that he wouldn't stop crying. Namjoon thinks that he got used to my mother being around at the time she was here to help me and wouldn't accept anyone else. The fact that he hit it off so well with Jina was the best thing that could have happened.

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