O-S A Home to Go Back to (Espresso x Madeleine)

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A/N: Ok, so based on the voting that's going on, people are looking for Herb x Sparkling and Espresso x Madeleine, so I will be doing more of those ships. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Madeleine kissed the top of Espresso's head, hugging him from behind and looking over his shoulder to see what he was reading. Much to his surprise, he didn't recognize any of the symbols. "What language is that," he asked.

"Hm? Oh. It's ancient Sumerian."

"You're reading ancient Sumerian???"

"Yeah. Now shush."

Madeleine sighed and walked off, sitting down on their couch as Espresso concentrated on his reading, occasionally firing off basic spells and stringing them together in long forgotten ways. He was endlessly impressed by his boyfriend, but watching someone read is not the most entertaining thing.

Leaning over, he grabbed a stack of post-it notes and a pen that was sitting on the coffee table. Knowing Espresso, he wrote down a note saying that he was going on a walk and that he would be home no later than 2 PM. Then, for safe measure, he got up and stuck it on the front of Espresso's favorite mug. He left the house, the absence of his presence going unnoticed.

Madeleine walked down the pathway, waving to people every now and then. He visited Herb's flower shop and bought a few daisies from him, thanking him with a smile. When he passed Pumpkin Pie, he gave her a flower and wished her a good day. Then, he gave one to Pancake. Then one to Custard III. An especially beautiful flower, he gave to Poison Mushroom, greeting Licorice warmly in an effort to make them feel more welcome.

He flipped a coin in the air as he walked, tossing it to a suspicious looking 'homeless' person and said, "Have a nice day, Chili Pepper." Chili yelled something after him, but he just kept walking with a smile.

Then, he visited the store and bought a container of chocolate covered coffee beans, knowing they were Espresso's favorites. The cashier gave him a friendly smile, which he gladly returned.

He tied his long, blonde hair up, sticking a daisy through the bun. When he had found his way home, it was 1:30 PM and Espresso was sitting on the couch, reading a different book. The post-it note was stuck to the table and his mug was in his hand. Espresso looked up at the sound of the door closing, put his bookmark in, and set the book and mug down on the table.

Madeleine smiled, walking over and sitting next to him. "I brought you an after-study gift." He handed him the last daisy and the container of chocolate covered coffee beans, then gave him a hug. "I love you so much, Espresso."

"I love you too. Thank you for the gifts." He chuckled and kissed Madeleine. "I've decided to take a break."


"I found myself missing your company, but I understand that it's unfair to expect you to stay perfectly quiet and still while I work." He shrugged, carefully setting the gifts down on the table beside his book. Espresso leaned back into Madeleine's open arms. "And, I must admit, though this is not the most efficient thing to do," he paused, gesturing to them cuddling, "it is quite enjoyable."

Madeleine kissed his cheek. It was probably the most romantic Espresso had ever been. His eyes teared up at the sentiment, and he pulled him onto his lap, hugging him closer. If given the option, he would choose to stay in that moment forever.

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