H-C Enemies To Lovers Dynamics (Lots of ships)

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A/N: I do take requests so please do so in the comments if you want to see anything in particular... although I might not always take all of them, so I'm sorry about that-

Espresso x Madeleine
• Espresso does not like him at first. (Canon)
• But after a few missions with him, he starts to grow on him and actually becomes fond of Madeleine's presence.
• Madeleine desperately tries to get Espresso to like him
• And Espresso has to tell him to calm down
• But I also HC that Espresso has Asperger's
• So what he means to say is "Hey, I already think you're cool, you don't have to try so hard"
• But he actually says "Stop trying to get me to like you"
• And doesn't understand why Madeleine starts acting sad
• But then eventually Madeleine confronts him
• "Why are you so determined to despise me?"
• "Frankly, I don't understand what you're talking about."
• "You hate me."
• "No, I find you amusing."
• "Then, why did you tell me to stop trying to get you to like me?"
• "Because I already like you, you bewildering fool."
"Oh. It appears there has been a misunderstanding."

Licorice x Clover
• They fight against each other in battles, but then Clover helps to heal him and his party afterwards and the others get mad.
• "He's the enemy!"
• "Not to me, he isn't."
• Licorice continues to try to scare Clover off
• Eventually he just gives in
• Pomegranate gets mad
• Dark Enchantress thinks it's funny and a good way in
• Licorice plays along and pretends like he doesn't actually care about the guy
• But then he meets up with Clover for tea and finds himself telling him about everything
• And Clover just listens and comforts him
• Licorice doesn't know how it started but now he feeds the Dark Enchantress false information to protect his friendship with Clover
• And all of a sudden he's one of the good guys?
• And Clover is kind of his boyfriend?
• It's complicated and Licorice is confused

Dark Choco x Licorice (cause it's cute and I've seen people ship it so why not)
• Licorice thinks Dark Choco is an idiot
• He's also scared of Dark Choco
• Dark Choco thinks Licorice is an idiot
• He is not afraid of Licorice
• But then he starts noticing how Licorice treats Poison Mushroom
• And stops being quite so tough with Licorice
• He compliments him on his magic
• And Licorice gets really flustered because this big, strong, somewhat respectable, intimidating dude just said he was good at something Licorice is secretly insecure about
• And that's kinda how it starts

Milk x Purple Yam
• It's in the same way that Madeleine and Espresso are enemies
• They're not, it's just that Yam doesn't like him very much
• Milk can canonly lift Yam with one hand and almost no effort so I imagine that he does it to him a lot
• Yam gets jealous when Milk starts talking about Dark Choco
• And when Milk picks him up he gets embarrassed
• And he doesn't understand why
• But then he finds himself wanting to protect Milk fiercely in battle
• And then wanting to kiss him
• And THEN he realizes
• And starts to win over Milk

Red Velvet x Pastry (not sure how I feel about it)
• Basically the storyline-
• But then they end up together?
• Pastry helps Red Velvet empathize with other people instead of just dogs
• Red Velvet helps Pastry become more independent and open minded
• And... I can't think of anything else-
• I haven't gotten that far in the story-
• Sorry

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