Chapter 24: Alek Russo

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Chapter 24: Alek Russo


That's what I felt the moment I found Mae tied to a chair, head bent and murmuring under her breath. And saw the wounds on her back.


That's what I felt when I saw the man holding a gun to her head. And calling her a fucking bitch.

I don't remember what I'd been thinking when I pointed my gun at his head and shot him without a blink, but I remember seeing red.

When I'd gotten closer to Mae, she'd been counting. She only wore a black bra and the wounds on her back made me want to kill every man in this entire warehouse.

How fucking dare they.

You can call me a hypocrite. You can call me whatever. But after I got back to where I'd left her and found her gone, my heart had crawled to my fucking throat.

If she had died tonight, it would've been my fault.

Again, again and again.

First my mother, then my brother and then her.

I'd carried her out as fast as I could. I'd whispered the word 'sorry' over and over again in her ear, praying she could hear me even through her pain. And when I laid her into the back seat beside Rashid, I'd seen his eyes glisten with terror when he saw her wounds.

And then I was driving, Lorenzo and Avery following close behind us to make sure we weren't being followed. I'd sent Diego to search the warehouse with some of our men to find the culprits and drag them down to the Russo mansion basement.

Now, I sit with my hands gripping the wheel as hard as I can, and my jaw clenched. I can't stop thinking about her back, the flesh and all the blood. I can still remember the dried pool of blood at the back and on the floor and the metallic smell in my nose.

"She's shaking," Rashid says in panic. I see him tightening the blanket around her from the rearview mirror of the car. He looks pale with his forehead shining with sweat and his glasses are smudged with dirt.

I grit my teeth and honk my car in the traffic. It's 8 PM and the roads are flooded. And there's only one thing that is coming to my mind.

"What are you doing?" Rashid hisses as I take a mask out of my small cabinet in the car and pull it over my face.

"To hurry this traffic the fuck up," I reply.

I slip out of the car, a gun in hand and shoot in the air thrice. I can already see people beginning to panic and honk their cars, trying to move out of our way. I shoot in again and watch in satisfaction as people begin to move out of my car's way to give me passage. I hope back inside to hit the accelerator and speed through the gaps as fast as I can.

Fuck the traffic and fuck the rules. Mae's going to die and it will be my fault.

We're speeding down New York's streets once more and I'm passing red lights more than I usually do.

If it weren't for Mae's phone that she'd somehow managed to keep with her, Rashid would have never been able to track her down. I can still remember the panic as I had gone back inside the bar after finding her gone and had asked Rashid and the others if they'd seen her anywhere.

Deep down, I just knew something was wrong.

And I was right.

After she never came home last night, I called Rashid and demanded he track her phone.

He had.

And this is how we ended up there. At the fucking warehouse.

As we get closer to my house, I brush my hair out of my eyes and think back to our fight. I think back to the many horrible things I said to Mae and I wonder how badly she hates me now. It's a good thing I don't give a flying fuck because I'm not as heartless as she thinks I am.

I'm going to apologize.

But what am I going to say?

'I'm sorry Mae for hating you and planning your murder for the past three years because I thought you killed my brother but you just told me that you didn't actually kill my brother and I believe you and I just wanted to apologize for giving you a hard time this past month'????

I'd rather shoot myself in the head.

A simple sorry will suffice.

And then what? We won't become friends, no. And we still haven't found the mole my father ordered us to find. But we have, haven't we? It's my stepmother. We know who the mole is, and we just have to find proof.

But we have a witness. The cook and Rick. Yes, Rick the fucking fool.

What would happen after that? Would Mae still kill me for the 150 million bucks? Would I be able to trust her after?

A part of me still wants to hate her because I don't know who to hate. Who killed my brother that day? Who was the sniper and who was he working for? Why did the sniper shoot Matteo in the head? Was it a personal grudge?

There are so many fucking questions in my head, I can't straight. I blink at the road as we grow closer and closer to home and dread enters the pit of my stomach.

This means I have to find out who killed my brother and who wants me dead. But for both of these, I'm going to need Mae's help because she has connections with both events. She was there the night Matteo was shot in the head and was also the one who saw the sniper. And her employer is the one who hired her to get me killed.

I'm going to need her help. But she's not going to fucking help me.

I push away these thoughts and park the car in front of the house before climbing out. Rashid follows after me, carrying Mae as Lorenzo and Avery stop behind us.

And as I lead them up the stairs and through the front door, a question nags at the back of my mind. And it won't fucking leave my head.

What if after all of this.... Mae refuses to help me?

What will I do then?


What will i do then?? ur going to do the wap alek shake that fat ass


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