Chapter 19: Mae Kazimi

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Chapter 19: Mae Kazimi

(listen to Another Love by Tom Odell for a better experience!)

I find Alek Russo standing outside under the low roof of the bar, arms crossed over his chest and glaring at the wet road. It has started raining lightly and so I join him outside in the cool and moist wind, shuddering and pushing hair out of my face.

"Why are you here?" I ask with a loud yawn, not bothering to cover my mouth. I'm too tired for that shit and I can hardly keep my eyes open.

He stays silent, still glaring at the wet road. If glares could burn the world, Alek's would blow it up.

I sigh, "Look, I know you're in a bad mood, Russo, but I need you to drop me off at Hale's place so can you forget whatever it is that you're thinking about now and just drop me off at Hales place I would really, really, really, really, really, really-"

He turns to me so fast, I jump, "Can you shut the fuck up for a second?"

"Can you stop being so horribly rude all the time?" I snap back, looking up at him.

He looks me up and down like you would look at a tissue caught under your shoe, "You know, at times like this, I wish you'd just died from the cold in that fucking dumpster."


I suck in a sharp breath.

"That's right, Kazimi," he says cruelly, lips curled in a snarl. "And I'm sure Hale thinks the same way."

I can't help myself from asking, "Why do you hate me so much?"

He stares at me, his black demon eyes boring into mine and suddenly everything goes silent. I can hear the small pitter-patter of the raindrops and the low blaring of the music from the bar behind us.

"Because you," he breathes, taking a threatening step towards me and I take a step back, "killed," he grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall, "my brother."

I blink.

And then he steps back so fast and air finally reaches my lungs. The next few words that come out of his mouth cut like razor.

"And I'm fucking tired of looking at your face! Every day, every fucking day," he yells, running angry hands through his hair, "Every day, I wake up and I have to see the murderer of my elder brother walking and living in my home! When I see your face, I remember my brother's lifeless body, the bullet in his fucking head. I see the blood dripping down his forehead and seeping into his open and unseeing eyes, I see his unmoving chest and his fingers clutching mine. I see him dead, over and over and over again!"

It takes me a whole minute to process the words. I blink, over and over and I feel the blood rushing to my head and I have to clutch my stomach so I can breathe.

And then I feel anger. Such a rush of anger, I can't control myself. These past years have been hell, just like the rest of my life. But for Alek to think that I had killed his brother for the past three years has my head spinning so fast I can't think. I can't think and words are spilling out of my mouth so fast, I don't even know what I'm saying. But I'm saying it and I can't stop myself.

"Since we're sharing secrets," I clear my throat and raise my eyes to meet his empty ones, "Let me tell you some of mine."

He says nothing, dark eyes watching me. I see such sadness in them my heart hurts. I've never felt like this before.

"I'm Shadow," I say, clenching my jaw as words tumble out. "I was hired to kill you in exchange for 150 million dollars and I agreed. Your father knows I'm Shadow and he threatened to expose me if I didn't agree to work with him and do as he said. But those attempts to kill you weren't mine because I haven't had the guts to kill you. Not right now, at least. I promised myself that when the time came, I would kill you and I will. I will without hesitation because you've been so cruel and heartless towards me without even thinking.

"Do you want to know another secret, Alek?" I ask, voice cracking. He's standing there, eyes wide as he listens to what comes out of my mouth. "I didn't kill your brother. If you'd just opened your eyes and looked, there was a sniper following you from a distance. I was following you too after you stole two million bucks from my bank account. He was the one who shot your brother. I only shot the man who was behind you both, holding a gun to your brother's head."

The rain has gotten faster, and I am breathing fast and my face feels as if it's burning hot. Alek is staring at me, jaw set as he briefly closes his eyes and opens them again.

"You're a liar," he rasps, a messy lock of dark raven hair brushing his brow. "You're lying."

"I'm not lying!" I shout. I don't give a damn who hears me. "For so long, all you've thought of me was a useless person, and I'm not! I never was! I've saved your life over and over again and yet you look at me with such disdain! I've told you it wasn't me who killed your brother, and yet, and yet, you call me a liar!"

"It's because you are a liar!" He yells, eyes flashing. "That's all you fucking do! Lie and kill people!"

I let out a humourless laugh, "Like you haven't killed people. Don't lie to yourself, Alek. You torture people!"

"Yes, yes I do." He says finally, jaw clenched. "I torture people, and I'm a horrible person and-"

"You are," I say shakily, stepping towards him until we are a hare breath away. And for the first time to my surprise, he steps back. And into the rain. "And I will never forgive you for the things you've said to me and the way you've acted towards me. I may be a murderer, Alek, but I'm human."

I step into the rain after him and I feel the water soak into my hair. We're standing on a deserted road, cars nor any people in sight. The music is still blaring loudly from the speaker and I can hear my heartbeat in my ear. It's pounding like a drum and I meet Alek's eyes from where he stands across from me, his hair wet against his forehead and his sharp jaw clenched in anger.

"Three years I've suffered," Alek shouts, stepping closer. "Three years and all you had to do was tell me you didn't kill him!"

"All you had to do was tell me why you hated me!" I shout back, feeling angry tears in my eyes. I hate him. I hate him so much at this moment that all the sleep disappears from my eyes, replaced with such anger that I step forward. I walk up to him until we are standing before each other. "Three years wasted in anger and hate towards someone who didn't deserve it."

"You deserve every ounce of it," he hisses.

I don't know what possesses me, but I swing my wrist back and punch Alek Russo in the face.

And I don't stop.


Mae on beast mode again

i was reading my ntoes and i found out i write books but i cant spell lmao but then i realized that when it comes to notes im super lazy and typing with eyes half closed and my brain juice is usualy at 5 percent so like....

anwyays like n subscribe i need to be famous so i can be rich pls thx

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