I shrugged "I just thought I should mention it" before I can't anymore.

He nodded slowly, his eyes telling me he didn't fully believe that.

As long he wasn't so suspicious he'd figure it then it was fine.

The hours past by, the conversations still going.

It went like this until it was time to get dinner, until it was time for me to go.

I took a deep breath as I stood. We would walk to the eating area, while having food I would accidentally knock over a drink.

I would go to get something to clean it 'forgetting' we didn't need towels or anything to clean the spill.

Then once I had left I would make my way to the astronomy tower.

They would come looking after but by then it'd be to late and I could finally be free.

I nodded my head as I thought over the plan, not realizing we had already entered the dining hall.

"Come on love, they have the best food today."

George spoke gently as he led me to the seats.

His hand never left my shoulders even as we ate.

I looked over to the glass of water I had sitting on the table.

This was it.

I picked it up, taking a small sip before letting it slip.

"Oh dear"

I jumped up the water on the table and my robe.

"Oh thats alright y/n/n, I'll get-" Hermione started but I stopped her before she could finish.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I'll go change and be right back."


I was already out the door before she could finish.

Making my way down the hall towards the doors.

I'd had the route mapped out in my head for weeks now.

I cut through the trees basically jogging.

I needed to get there before anyone got suspicious.

I saw the tower in view and smiled.

It would all be over soon.

The pain would end.

I took the stairs two at a time.

I reached the top quickly, walking over to the edge.

They would find the letters in my room after it was done.

I took a glance down, it would be a long fall.

I moved closer to the edge, nothing to stop me now.

I took one last breath.

"Fred, what if she's up here?"

"Maybe she just wants a look at the view"

I froze.

No. No. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

I was supposed to have more time. How am I supposed to explain why I'm basically leaning over an edge off a high tower?

I felt tears rise in my eyes, it wasn't supposed to be like this.


I didn't turn around, I couldn't.

"Love, why are you so close to the edge? It's not safe."

George spoke softly but I could hear the tremor in his voice.

I took in a shaky voice, I didn't want him to watch this.

"Go... Go away Georgie." I whispered.

"Love, please step away from there."

I shook my head, I was supposed to be free today.

"Y/n/n, come over here, let's just talk. Please"

Fred was here too, I had almost forgotten about him.

Again I shook my head, I was going to be free today.

"Y/n, please just take a step back" his voice was almost a whisper now, pleading with me.

More tears fell down my face, I thought it would be easier than this.

I could hear shuffling behind me but I payed no mind to it.

"Love, what happened? Did someone do something, I'll beat them up I promise."

I let out a small laugh.

"No one did anything Georgie."

I looked back out at the ground.

"I love you" I whispered.

I stepped from the edge.

"Fred, grab her!"

I felt hands around my waist yank me back.

"No! No, please! I can't do it anymore I can't!"

I was yanked back into a chest.

Arms wrapped like iron around me.

"It's alright lovely, shh."

"George, please let me go." I whimpered.

"Everything's going to be just fine"

He smoothed my hair down, placing small kisses to my head.

Fred knelt down next to us, taking my hand in his while putting his arm on George's shoulder.

"We'll take care of you y/n/n, we'll get through whatever is going on"

I nodded pushing myself further into George and squeezing Fred's hand.

We'd be okay, they would get me through it.

Done, I hope
holiay was
amazing! I'm
sorry my update
schedule is
shit. I'm trying
to do better

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