The Angel of Death

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That's all he could hear. Panting. He ran through the abandoned building, an empty maze of hallways and corridors that echoed each footstep. He remembered he thought this place was hauntingly beautiful when he first arrived. Now it was just haunting. The place echoed with his every footstep, clear indicators of where he was. The light from his Pod being the only thing that helped him figure out where to go.

Where could he go?

He had to get away, that's all he knew.

Finally, he burst through the door and onto the rooftop. But this wasn't escape either. He was thirty stories off the ground. He peered over. This might be his chance to hide. If he hid he might make it look like he leapt off the roof and throw her off his trail.

Too late.

The black figured stepped out like a grim reaper, a raven black dress, short ashen flowing hair, her eyes hidden beneath a black visor of cloth.

"9S," she said coldly. "You have been charged with accessing classified information from the Bunker. As such, you have been sentenced to immediate execution."

9S felt chills going down his android body. He never knew androids could even feel like this. He was terrified. He had been with 2B for the past two months, working side by side, fighting against the machines side by side. And now here she was, ready to kill him like they didn't just spend every waking moment together.

It was just an accident. He was backing up his data when he noticed something strange in the bunker's server. He started poking around when he came across secret orders for a unit 2E to monitor him and kill him if he should stumble across anything he shouldn't. It was only then he realized who 2E was. And just in time. He got pulled out of hacking space by the sounds of footsteps behind him. He barely had enough time to block 2B's strike before it took his head off. And that was how this chase began from the underground parking garage to the roof of multi-story abandoned apartment above it.

"Wait, 2B, don't do this," 9S pleaded, backing up to the edge. The black dress that he once considered beautiful on her now seemed so ominous as it made her look like a well-dressed executioner. And the black visor just served to make her look that much more monstrous since he couldn't see her eyes. But he could only imagine the cold expression beneath that cloth. In fact, it was better like this. He didn't want to see her cold expression, not after all that they've been through. He was already struggling to cope with the fact that she could just ignore their history. He didn't want to read it from her expression too.

2B didn't respond to his pleads, raising her sword.

2B was 2E. The grim reaper given physical form. YorHa's angel of death.

9S let out a desperate cry as he leapt off the roof, reaching up and grabbing the arms of his pod to slow his descent. He just needed to reach the ground and keep running.


2B watched 9S leap off the roof. She was almost glad 9S couldn't see her expression under her cloth. It was one of pain. He's saved her. She's saved him. It was all part of battle. 9S wasn't built for combat. So, there were plenty of times she had to save him from overwhelming odds. And as a Scanner, he's hacked gargantuan enemies that were on the verge of overwhelming her.

But now she had to end his life. She was a soldier and she will do what needs to be done.

"Pod 153, deactivate flight mode," she ordered. And like that, instead of gently floating down, 9S was sent screaming as he plummeted down to the ground.

2B didn't have time to float down after him. She leapt off the roof, activating a downward attack. This attack would launch her at enemies below. Her joints would become reinforced and inertial dampeners would be at maximum. It essentially lets her plummet without taking damage.

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