A Death

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On and on the battle raged. The two of us versus the possessed human. They were getting frustrated, I knew they were. I could see it in their eyes. We were tiring though, and I'm sure they could see that. I truly hope that they can run out of the determination to fight before then. I'd rather not die or have Sans die in front of me. Both hurt. the hall had been destroyed by our attacks, blood and chunks of marble scattered all about. Blue sweat littered Sans' skull, he was running out of steam fast. I'd been giving him healing items to keep his energy levels up, but I'm running out. It was a very good thing I'd prepared for for this fight. I was fairing better, but I was starting to falter as well. "WE HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING.."
"tell me.. somethin.. i don't know.." He panted. "NEED SOMETHING ELSE?" I offered. He shook his head. "save it for yourself bro, if either of us is gonna win this fight, it's gonna be you."
"imma be honest... i don't think i'm gonna last much longer." Not on my watch.


They recognized Sans as the weak link immediately, targeting him. I took the defensive, blocking them from either of us and protecting Sans. He just needed some time to recuperate. "pap, stop wasting your magic on me!"
"if you focus to much on me, you'll lose your own life!"
"I'M NOT DYING TODAY EITHER!" More bones flew out to attack, more blasters fired to defend us. I can do this! I can protect us both!


I wiped sweat away with the back of my glove after I finished a glamburger. "papyrus, you can't keep going like this. you can't protect us both and i'm outta magic." I shook my head. "WE ARE NOT DYING. THEY WILL RESET SOON." I hope. "pap-"
"THEY WILL RESET BEFORE WE DIE." I hated to cut him off, but is negative talk wasn't helping at all. They came and I didn't bother saying anything as I threw up bones at them. They dodged around and went after Sans again. I threw up a ring of bones around him, just as they whipped around to attack me. I faltered, startled by the action. Before I could realize the knife was coming down on me, Sans shortcutted in front of me. "SANS!"
"well i guess that's it, huh?" He grinned sadly as he gripped at the wound in his chest. "don't say i didn't warn you.." He looked to me. "don't cry.... i'm going to grillby's... do you.. want anything..?" He staggered away, dusting after his third step. I stared at the dust before blankly turning to the Player. They gave a taunting smirk. This was the second time. I. Was. Pissed. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I destroyed them in seconds.


Whatever fatigue I'd felt before was numbed by my rage and grief. I guess one could call it a second wind of sorts. They died over and over and over again as I showed them n o m e r c y. Kill my brother once, shame on you. Kill my brother twice, shame on me. Never again would I let this happen. I couldn't bare it a third time. This had to end N O W. They're determination was faltering faster than before. I was not the same naive Papyrus they'd continuously killed for stars knows how long. No. I'm done being kind to them. They could burn in hell.


I fell to one knee as I killed them yet again. I was out of steam. Out of magic. I couldn't continue myself. My sockets drooped with exhaustion. "Sans... forgive me.. I cannot continue." I closed my sockets, hoping for death to come quick. Then I jolted awake when Sans burst into my room. "papyrus!" I... won..? "S-sans.." I cried and he embraced me. "I-I won.. they reset. I-I never.." I tucked my skull into his hoodie. "i'm sorry, pap, i'm so sorry.." He kept apologizing for having me carry the burden, but I didn't care. We were ok now. They'd given up, and hopefully wouldn't come back again. If they did, well, they would have to go through us.

The end. Do they reset again? That is up for you to decide, reader. This concludes Prince of Secrets though. Have a great morning/afternoon/night.


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