A Tale

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I couldn't sleep. It wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't the awaiting reset. I just.. couldn't. My thoughts were keeping me up, a story impossible to most, a tale I've been wanting to tell all. I simply wasn't sure how to put it into words. So I decided to try and put it on paper, instead. I'm not entirely sure if it is a good idea, but.. I took out a pen and a notebook, seating myself at my computer desk. Soon I was lost to my own train of thought. My thoughts drowning out the constant tick of the clock and the scribble of my pen.


It was a normal day, normal to any other genocidal reset. The human appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, covered in the dust of others. As usual, they did not care about Sans suggestions, they did care about my puzzles. They only wished to end our lives. I was oblivious of this at the time... well, I cannot say oblivious, I was well aware that something was wrong with them, I merely thought I could snap them out of it. Oh how WRONG I was. Sooner rather than later, I faced off against them... well, I was supposed to. This is where the genocide became different from the others. Sans confronted the human instead. Stars he was powerful. He didn't hesitate, not once to end them. They. Came. Back. They kept coming back. Before I could really understand what was happening, he died... in my arms. My.. my brother.. I Felt SO ANGRY. And confused and hurt. Sans was everything I ever had. I was ready to g i v e t h e m a b a d t i m e. I took Sans jacket as a momento to the good times we had.


I watched my friends fall to their hands, further fueling my emotions and my thirst for revenge.. avenge? Perhaps a bit of both. I wanted to avenge the deaths of my friends while also wanting revenge for the death of my brother. Does that make sense? I halted them at the golden hall. Judgement Hall. I gave them everything I had. Poured all my magic to end their existence, yet I couldn't. I couldn't because deep down, I still believed they could be good. I'd seen it in hundreds of pacifist routes. I also knew, Sans wouldn't want me to be a killer. So, with nothing else to live for and no hope to be found, I resigned to my fate. They ended it rather swiftly. Now I know how Sans feels. These memories of other timelines, to watch him die once was agony for me. I'd reacted horribly to it once the world reset. I can only imagine how bad it has been for him. He's likely numb to it by now. I cannot say for certain. I suppose this concludes my tale. I don't know what my next moves are yet.


I put my pen down, leaning back with a sigh. What are my next moves? "papyrus? have you been up all night?" The light to my room flicked on, making me flinch. I'd had nothing but a dim lamp on while I wrote, so the light was a bit bright for me. I hadn't even heard Sans come in. I rubbed my sockets in an attempt to quickly get used to it and checked the time. "APPARENTLY SO, I NEVER REALIZED IT'D GOTTEN THAT LATE." I replied. "OR SHOULD I SAY THAT EARLY?" Sans looked at the clock as well, then to me with concern. "you doin ok, buddy? something about ya just seems off. you never pull all nighters unless it's new years." He wasn't wrong. "I'VE JUST HAD MUCH ON MY MIND, I PROMISE I'LL BE FINE." Nor was I. I gave him my confident smile. Actually, I wonder.. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ MY STORY?" His gaze shifted from me to my notebook. "a story? that what you were up all night doing?" I nodded. It shifted back to me. "i'll read it later, after you've gotten some rest, ok buddy?"
"i feel better, knowing you're well rested. please?"


Sans wasn't the only one who noticed. Flowey realized that Papyrus has been distant, lately. So he'd been more or less stalking the younger. Flowey was curious as to what was contained in the notebook. So he 'borrowed' it while smiley trashbag tried to put Papyrus to sleep. What he read shocked him. "So Papyrus is aware now too, huh.. I don't think I'll be giving this back then." He didn't need anyone else seeing this especially Sans and Frisk. It's not like anyone would believe Papyrus' words anyway. He laughed, ducking into the dirt to hide the story.

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