2 Brothers, 1 Hall

305 11 15

Sans appeared using his space time shenanigans. I huffed at his laziness. Honestly, even in genocide? I recognized my scarf around his neck. It was as I suspected. I'd have to apologize to Sans for deceiving him later. After we take care of that thing. The child came and I readied myself to interfere when the time was right. "so.. i gotta question for ya. do you think even the worst person can change, if they just try?" They took a step forward, not listening, as per usual. Sans laughed. It was devoid of any emotion. "well here's a better question. do you wanna have a bad time, cause if you take another step forward..." His sockets went dark and I realized I've never actually seen Sans enter a battle. "... you're not going to like what happens next." They dared to step forward. Sans sighed and closed his sockets. "welp, sorry old lady.. this is why i never make promises." His sockets opened again, eyelights still gone. "it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these... kids like you..." His left eye burst into blue flames. "s h o u l d b e b u r n i n g i n h e l l ."


The battle started and I searched for my opening. It didn't take long at all. I threw attacks from my hiding spot, hitting them in a few different places. "SANS ISN'T THE ONLY ONE YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT, PLAYER. WE STILL HAVE A SCORE TO SETTLE FROM THE LAST GENOCIDE." I moved to stand proudly beside my brother, who was in absolute shock. "p-papyrus..?"
"WE CAN TALK LATER, FOR NOW LET'S JUST FOCUS ON THEM." I summoned an attack and turned their soul blue, whilst sending out more attacks to destract them. I summoned a blaster from behind and fired, knocking down quite a bit of their hp. "i never thought i'd see the day that you'd lift a finger to the human.." Sans commented as the Player took their turn, restoring their hp. "WELL, IT IS NOT FRISK AND THEY DIDN'T SHOW MERCY ON ANYONE. I WON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE." I replied as Sans took his turn throwing the human around and killing them. They came back though. They always came back.


Sometimes Sans killed them.. sometimes I killed them. I was done playing their games. I was done being Mr. Nice Guy to this.. thing. There was plenty of times when we fought in unison, killing them faster, instead of just taking turns. I couldn't help but feel happy, fighting by my brother's side at these times. I think he felt the same, if his smile was anything to go by. It just seemed a little less stained, a little more genuine. Sans and I fired our blasters simultaneously, killing them yet again. "HOW MANY TIMES WAS THAT NOW?"
"didn't even bother counting after three." I scoffed humoredly. "LAZYBONES." He grinned, shrugging. "i know." They came back. "let's just get to the point."  And the fight started up yet again.


"IS THERE A WAY TO KILL THEM OFFICALLY?" I asked as we waited for them to come back. "not that i've found. just keep doing this until they reset or we die."
"OH." Sans hesitated. "that nightmare... about me dying... it wasn't a nightmare, was it?" I shook my head. "I HOPED SO.. BUT I KNOW IT WAS THE LAST GENOCIDE. YOU DIED IN THE FOGBANK I USUALLY DIE IN, AND I DIED HERE, FIGHTING TO AVENGE YOU AND OUR FRIENDS." Sans gave me a sorrowful smile. "i'm sorry bud. i didn't mean to put this burden on you." I shrugged. "BUT NOW YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THIS."
"heh. guess that's true." They came back. "LET'S JUST GET TO THE POINT."

1 chapter left

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