A Nightmare

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"HUMAN. ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU SOME VERY COMPLEX  FEELINGS. FEELINGS LIKE... LOSING SOMEONE YOU LOVE. LOSING EVERYONE YOU LOVE. BEING ALONE AND SCARED. STANDING IN FRONT OF SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO HURT YOU. THESE FEELINGS... THEY MUST BE WHAT YOU'RE FEELING R I G H T N O W ." His right eyelight glowed vibrant orange as he stood before the human he used to believe was good. A bone attack was gripped tightly in his hand, his brother's jacket still bore the marks of what had initially got him to this point in the first place. They. KILLED. Sans. Papyrus couldn't stand for this. He was going to stop them, once and for all. The human attacked first, but Papyrus  easily blocked the attempt on his life. It made him burn with rage. He used it to attack back.


First it was just bones. They continued attacking persistently. He added orange and blue attacks. Still they continued to try and kill him. So he added gravity manipulation to the patterns. They pressed for more. He gave more, summoning blasters. His magic flared in his rage and sorrow. He attacked with the attack he held. Once upon a time ago, they could have been good friends, but they chose this. It made him feel sorry for them, not sorry enough to stop though. They killed his brother. He was more enraged than sorry. He blocked attack after attack, the bone splintering more and more. Until finally.. SNAP! He staggered a little as it broke in two. He was done playing games with them. With a roar, Papyrus took the offense. He'd been in the defense position thus far, but he was done. He lashed out with intent to kill. Why should he show mercy to a brother killer like them?


They hardly had time to deflect each attack. They never knew Papyrus to be THIS strong. This is what they got for poking the bear. Papyrus was Sans brother after all. Of course he'd had potential to be as strong. Still though, this was ridiculous. How many resets had they fought and murdered this idiot? To kill Sans first had been the mistake. Or maybe not? They hadn't actually died once yet. Maybe he still was an idiot. Just an enraged idiot. They could still kill him. He just had to tire first. They still had this.


"MY BROTHER! MY FRIENDS! YOU KILLED THEM ALL!" He unleashed a blaster on them. They cried out in pain as they were hit. They tumbled away and tried to get back up. He kicked them back down. Now would be the time to finish them off. But.. standing over them like this.. he didn't recognize himself. This wasn't him. Papyrus wasn't a killer. Sans wouldn't want him to be. Standing there, he realized what Sans had been through. He didn't know how he'd forgotten the times before, good and bad, when they were friends and when they killed him? How many times had Sans watched him die? How many years has this went on? The weight of this knowledge seemed to bring him to his knees and the roles switched. They stood over him. He didn't have the will to fight them, anymore. "JUST DO IT.."


Papyrus jolted awake. He'd never had a nightmare before, if he could even call it that. He really wasn't sure if it was real or not. Surely he had only been 19 for a year, right? Sans.. hadn't actually died.. right? The human hadn't actually KILLED everyone over and over in these.. loops, these resets... right..? He took a shaky breath. It was all just a dream. A really scary, messed up dream that his wild imagination had schemed up to keep him awake at night. Yes.. it would be ok. Sans was just in the other room, in his own nightmarish dreamland that Papyrus would probably have to pull out of soon.. he should probably check on him, for Sans sake, not to reassure him that Sans was alive.. he slipped out of bed and opened his door peeking around, not to check if deadly humans were around, before heading to Sans' room. He peeked in there. Sans was fast asleep, looking slightly distressed. Papyrus decided to wake him before his nightmare escalated.


"what're ya doin up, pap?" Sans asked yawning as he attempted to wake himself up from his nightmare only to enter a living one. "COULDN'T SLEEP IS ALL. HYPERACTIVE  THOUGHTS AND WHAT NOT.. WHAT WERE YOU DREAMING ABOUT?" He asked Sans. "nothin much. i dreamt that the ketchup ate me instead of me eating the ketchup." Sans grinned, hoping to cheer up his bro. He knew Papyrus better than anything, and though Papyrus was trying to hide it, he could see something was bothering his little brother. Papyrus scoffed. "OH MY STARS, SANS!" He knew that wasn't what Sans was dreaming about, but he wasn't going to push. "let's read or watch a movie until it's time for work, hm?" Sans picked up his jacket from the floor, free of the bloody slash, and slipped it on. "SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA BROTHER, I DON'T THINK I'LL BE ABLE TO SLEEP AGAIN TONIGHT."

So.. I am aware this isn't how the original disbelief papyrus goes, I'm putting my own twist on it. Bare with me. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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