Chapter 16: Revolution

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Edith peers out the window of the Unity truck to see the sky. At first glance, she thinks the windows of the truck must be tinted, but she realizes that it's just the darkened clouds rolling overhead. A sight she hasn't seen anywhere outside of Mortal or Yastra. She quizzically looks to Latanya, who sits in the front seat with her hands on the steering wheel and her eyes sharply focusing on the road.

"What's going on? I thought County Unity's weather is always perfect," she asks.

After pointing it out, Cree looks out the window as well and he cocks a brow, all while CLive has been staring at the sky for the past half hour. Latanya glances back at her in the rear-view mirror. "It seems that Alain has deactivated the artificial weather of County Unity. Interesting," she says and returns her attention to the road.

Cree grumbles and flops back on the metal floor of the cargo area. "Speaking of... how much farther? It's not exactly comfortable back here and my ass is sore."

Edith snickers and looks back at him. "And why would your ass be sore? Is that why you were never at your place at night?"

He glares at her. "Go fuck yourself, asshat. You don't get to give me shit for complaining. I got shoved in the trunk."

Latanya lets out a quiet chuckle and keeps her eyes forward. "I apologize for the inconvenience. I wasn't prepared to have more than one or two people come back with me. Would it compensate if I purchase you a room for the night in the hotel of Paradise for once your friends and I leave for the Citadel?" she offers.

Cree shrugs. "I don't know about amends, but it's a start. Just bring them back alive, okay?" He narrows his eyes at her.

"I am unsure of what exactly Alain intends to do once we arrive, but I will not be present for what's to come," she says.

Edith looks from Cree to her. "Why not?"

Latanya sighs. "Those are my orders. I am to deliver Edith and CLive to the Citadel, and then leave the island. I do not bother asking questions as I trust Alain knows what's best," she explains. CLive quietly scoffs but stays silent, just staring up at the sky.

Cree sits up and peers over the back seat. "Where'll you be going?"

Latanya shrugs. "I am unsure as of right now. However, I am interested to see what I have heard about County Dominion. Perhaps I will head there for a time after I am relieved of my duties." She smiles to herself.

"Relieved of your duties?" Edith asks. "I thought you were Alain's fr—loyal soldier! He's letting you go after this?" she questions and clears her throat nervously after almost slipping up. She still doesn't know why she can't tell Cree and CLive that Latanya is supposedly on their side, but Latanya seems to know what she's doing so it's probably wise to trust her judgment.

Latanya nods slowly. "You may think of the Cogency Elites as... mercenaries to the Sovereign. We are expendable soldiers who never fail. I will not pretend to be unaware of that fact. We were assigned a task, and once it is complete, we are free of our contract," she explains.

CLive shakes his head and glances at her. "So, he's using you," he deadpans.

Latanya sighs and looks down for a moment, then returning her gaze to the road. "Not as such. Though, I understand why you of all people would come to that conclusion. From what I've heard from him, you and Alain do not have the best history, is that correct?" she asks mindfully and glances at him in the mirror.

He frowns and looks back out the window. "I'd rather not talk about him right now," he says. Edith leans against him and grabs his hand.

She looks forward to Latanya. "So, how much farther? You didn't say," she asks as she leans her head on CLive's shoulder.

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