Chapter 15: Humanity

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There is less static, so she knows the memory must be rather recent. She has been getting better at focusing the static and drowning it out. After the last memory when she saw through Alain's eyes, she has even begun learning how to concentrate hard enough to see the memories rather than just hear them.

She can see through hazy vision that there is a window, the view spanning over Unity City and stretching on for miles. She easily recognizes it as the window from Alain's lab at the top of the Citadel, where she learned what she was. At Alain's side is Latanya. They are both staring off over the city from the otherwise empty room. Latanya is occasionally glancing at him, but his focus is elsewhere.

"This is for the betterment of the world, right? This is what needs to be done to finally see humanity thrive. This siege must happen," Alain says vacantly.

Latanya looks up at him. "You seem unsure. Before I was sent to aid you, I was told by my employers that you never hesitate. You never think twice about your actions so long as they push your goals forward. If that's true, why do you feel the need to ask me if this siege was the right choice?"

Alain looks down. "Right... I 'feel' the need to ask..." He stares at his transparent reflection in the glass, the city standing in the background.

Latanya places her hand on his shoulder. "What is it?" she asks.

He stares distantly into his own eyes in the glass. The light green glow behind them. As Edith watches the scene through his eyes, it almost feels as if he's staring back at her.

"Tell me, Latanya. What differentiates a person from a machine? The question may appear to be simple in nature, but I advise you think carefully about your answer," he says.

Latanya looks down and thinks, keeping her hand on his shoulder. "I think... it's soul. A machine wouldn't have a soul, it would only have its program and what it's designed to do. A person does what they personally think is best, not because they're designed that way, but because it's who they are. It's in their personality, rather than their code," she says and looks back up at him.

He nods slowly. "Now, keeping that conclusion in mind. I request you answer another question." He glances at her reflection before looking back at his eyes. "Is a person considered a person if they lack a soul? If they are incapable of generating emotion? Can someone be considered truly 'alive' if they do not have a heartbeat?" he asks.

Latanya studies his face. "...Do you?"

Alain looks down at her. "I would not know. But if I do not, what does that make me? I do not believe I am simply following a code, but I cannot tell if my actions are the pursuits of a sentient being backed by a soul, or a machine that has been designed to accomplish a task. I was created based on the mind of Colin Lee and denied the ability to generate emotions in order to create the perfect scientist. But is that all I am? Is the reason for my blind determination to better humanity nothing more than a result of the manner in which I was created?" he questions.

Latanya takes her hand off his shoulder. "I can check if you have one," she says and starts reaching her hand to his chest, but he grabs her wrist before she can.

"No. I believe it would be best to leave this question unanswered. However, alive or not, there is no way for me to know if ordering the siege on County Mortal was the correct course of action," he says and loosens his grip on her wrist, but doesn't let her go.

Latanya shrugs. "Statistically, you know this was the only way President Bates would listen. Eliminating John Wright will push his followers to begin a revolution. But those are statistics. The fact that you are wondering if you made the right call proves you have a soul in there, somewhere." She smiles up at him.

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