Chapter 11: Undefinable

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As CLive silently maneuvers through the forest, he has to swiftly move and duck behind bushes and trees to avoid detection by the patrol of Unity soldiers stationed not far outside of his destination, the ruins of Idyll.

It's a good thing he has the cloak of night's shadow to help hide him, otherwise he fears he would have been caught already. In his panic of finding out Edith was faced with a Cogency Elite two days ago, he fears he may be too late. But if Edith had been captured, it's unlikely the soldiers would still be here. Something doesn't add up.

He sees the gates in sight, and knowing that she's somewhere behind them is all it takes for him to simply go for it. He becomes careless as he rushes past the tree line towards the crumbled city wall, and in his negligence of caution, he suddenly hears a woman's voice call out to him.

"There is no need for sneaking around and fearful glances at us. If you have business with the rebels of Idyll, you may simply enter."

CLive freezes in his place and curses his impatience.

He slowly turns to face the voice to see it came from a woman from the camp, wearing a black and violet uniform that he doesn't recognize, despite being from Unity, himself. Then he sees the symbol on her shoulder and it hits him. She is the Cogency Elite Thor was talking about.

Latanya peacefully holds up her hands. "Don't worry, CL-3584. I'm not going to harm you or anyone here," she says. He glares at her and refuses to look away for even a moment.

"That's not my name anymore," he states sternly.

She slowly brings her hands back down. "Forgive me, that is just what I have heard Alain call you. Please, what do you prefer?" she asks.

He tenses his shoulders. "...CLive," he states. Latanya smiles.

"Well, CLive. I assume you are here to see your friends. Is that right?"

He slowly nods. "I... Yeah. Does that matter? Wait... 'friends'?" he questions. She nods as well.

"Yes. Edith Stewart and Cree Tyrell. They were very hospitable when we spoke the other day. Though, they were understandably fearful that I was going to show them the same treatment they are used to receiving from Unity. As I'm sure you are as well, CLive," she explains slowly. He says nothing. Despite refusing to let his alert state falter, he feels a small amount of relief at knowing that Cree is not only alive, but he's with Edith. So at least she's been in the company of someone CLive trusts to keep her safe as much as he would himself.

Latanya sighs. "I know you do not trust me, nor do I expect you to. Just know that, unlike Jane, I will not use force to apprehend Ms. Stewart unless I am later specifically ordered to do as such. But I sincerely hope it does not come to that. I have already sent a letter to the Citadel informing Alain of the current situation, so there should hopefully be no problems."

He looks her over and meets her eyes again. "Good. But... What about me?" he asks with uncertainty in his tone.

She tilts her head at him. "What about you?" she asks.

CLive narrows his eyes at her. "Isn't Alain trying to apprehend me as well?"

She sighs and nods. "Ah, right. That. Rest assured, Alain has called off the order for your detainment and said it best to 'leave your arrival to statistics'. I cannot say exactly what it is he meant by that, but just know that you are no longer wanted throughout County Unity and all acts of deviation against them have been pardoned," she elaborates.

CLive stares at her in question. After all Alain went through to find him, he's just given up? Just like that? There has to be more to this, but maybe it's best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not yet at least. But none of that matters right now. The only thing he came here for was Edith.

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