Chapter 7: Mayor

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The sun had risen at some point, but neither of them noticed when. They didn't sleep as they were both still refreshed from the last time they slept, so instead they just put on the clothes Regan set out for them and laid in bed all night, cuddling and reading a book they found on the shelf in the guest room.

Edith finishes reading the last page and turns her head to look upside down at CLive. "You done?" she asks softly. He smiles and nods. He shuts the book and sets it on the bed beside them. He stretches his arms back and wraps one around her, the other resting behind his head.

Edith grins. "I honestly never thought you would be the romance novel type." She chuckles. He shrugs and smiles down at her.

"What can I say, I guess I'm just a sucker for a good love story." He kisses the top of her head. CLive sighs in complete relaxation and leans back. "How're you feeling, doll?" he asks.

She smiles, but it falters a little. "I feel wonderful, of course. But... there's something else..."

He eyes her curiously. "What is it?" he asks.

She places a hand over her EPC and takes a deep breath. "I... don't know... It feels strange... kinda painful," she says.

His face instantly shifts to guilt. "...I noticed the Pull wasn't as strong... So, you really can feel it too, now..." He looks away.

Edith smiles and reaches up to turn his face back to look at her. "Hey... I told you I don't regret it and I meant it. I'll get used to it, I'm sure. Just give it time," she says. CLive looks down and slightly nods. Edith sighs and rotates to lay on her stomach with her elbows propping her up. "And how are you, CLive?"

He looks back at her and chuckles. "Do you even need to ask that anymore?" He grins.

She rolls her eyes. "Yes. I can't really feel your emotions all that clearly. Maybe it's only when it's more focused?"

He shrugs. "I've got no clue how it works. That's something to ask Regan. But as for your question... I feel amazing. So... Thank you."

She looks up at him sideways. "For what?"

"For being patient with me last night. You really helped me feel... comfortable with everything. I know it's not something I'll forget."

Edith leans up and gives him a soft kiss. She lowers back down with a blissful sigh. "Thank you for trusting me. It means more than you know," she says. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into a hug. As much as they both want to stay there all day, an intrusive knock disrupts the peaceful solitude of the room.

Edith groans and ungracefully flops her face into the pillows. "Maybe if we ignore it, it will go away..." she mumbles.

CLive sighs. "Unfortunately, doll. We can't. It could be important," he says. Edith rolls her head to the side to look at him.

"Please say nothing about last night. If Data finds out about this, we won't hear the end of it," she says.

He looks at her sideways. "How do you know it's Liyah?"

"It's not Regan because he didn't just barge through the door. Peace seemed way too out of it last night so I doubt she'll be the one to look for us. And I'd be concerned if Thor or Romeow could knock like a human."

CLive chuckles and looks to the door. "One second!" he calls out.

They can hear Data groan from the other side. "Ugh, hurry up! Peace and I can't cook for shit, and we want breakfast!" she complains.

Edith laughs and shakes her head. "See, everyone likes your cooking." She grins. He rolls his eyes and shifts to slide off the bed. He stretches his arms over his head and slowly brings them back down as he walks over to the door. Edith stays buried in the blankets, still searching for the will to get up and questioning how CLive makes it look so easy.

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