"I missed you too. I finally had some time free and needed to see you".

After a few more moments, she backed away a bit, but Jim still held her, and looked into her eyes as he did.

"I know I'll be seeing you tomorrow for Thanksgiving, but I wanted to stop by before it to visit. Also, it smells really good in here, you cooking dinner for tomorrow already?".

"Yup, almost halfway done actually!".

Right after Jim finished speaking, he moved to show Claire the food on the island that was finished. A pot of stuffing, thats been done for a few hours by now, was sitting on the counter and she could see a Turkey near the stove was being worked on.

"Can I try a little of what you have done?" Claire asked him.

"Oh, of course!" Jim replied with, handing her a fork as she ate the stuffing on the counter.

After taking a bite, her facial expression showed the look of someone who looks like they just got a taste of heaven.

"Oh my god Jim, it's incredible! This is really really good".

"Thank you, I'm really happy you like it! I normally wait to make the mashed potatoes for tomorrow, and sometimes I end up making a pumpkin pie. With everyone coming I'll most likely make it this year. The Turkey I've started making. I normally start making that the day before then finish around noon the actual day of-"

"Jim" Claire interrupted. "I...wow. Toby would tell me you'd normally make Thanksgiving dinner, but you really know how much you have to do for it once you see it in person. And...and your moms not helping at all?".

"Oh no. No, I normally let mom relax and I'd make it. Not just cause of her cooking, but because she's normally working and anyone that'd come over for a Thanksgiving dinner would be here around the same time she'd get off before supper starts. And I really don't mind, honestly. Sure it's a little more nerve wracking this year, your parents are coming over as well and most of the gang is, so it'll be a lot to make and a lot of pressure, but I like cooking for you guys. Besides, Strickler when he's free has been helping me out between taking care of the Darkland babies and everything else".

"Still Jim, it's a lot to do mostly by yourself. It's great that Strickler's helping when he can and even I appreciate it for your sake, but...ca-can you at least let me help you a bit?".

"You...could help me set the table tomorrow night?".

"Jim" she said strictly. "You know that's not what I meant".

Jim laughed for a second before saying "Claire really, I don't need much help with this, I've done it for years now".

"Everyone needs some help sometimes Jim. Even the TrollHunter with a Thanksgiving dinner. I know you had no help growing up, but you got so many people now that are free to help. Please let me do something? I don't want you working on something like this mostly alone".

Jim looked in Claire's eyes and felt a little bad. For him, it came like second nature to him for years around this holiday season. He'd always be the one to make the dinner. He knew it was a lot of work, but it never bothered him to do. He always liked the smile he'd see on his mother's face each year making this meal. That was always the biggest win in Jim's book for Thanksgiving and he'd never not see it every year. He could see in her eyes that she really did wanna help, but with having everything planned out already on everything he was gonna make, he truly didn't know what to ask her to help with.

Jim let out a sigh, then responded to Claire in a sincere way.

"Ok. I can't think of anything right now. But I promise, if I do need help or need anything made then I'll let you know, alright?".

My World of Loving You - Jlaire One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now