"Get off," he muttered as he shoved her off, only making her laugh more.

Yelena started rubbing her hands together to warm them up as the players went onto the field, and Stiles started nervously chewing on his glove, before looking at his sister.

"Surprised you came."

"Yeah well I might be coach's favorite Stilinksi but I'm definitely not dad's at the moment." she snorted as Stiles nodded and watched her pull her camera out of her bag.

"You brought your camera?" He gave her a small smile, knowing she hadn't been keeping up with her photography since she moved away.

"Yeah, I'm just hoping Dad doesn't take it as a dig." She sighed as she polished the lens.

"It'll be ok," he told her as he nudged her

"At the moment I'm more concerned about Scott."

Stiles grunted as he remembered why he was so nervous to begin with and went back to chewing his glove anxiously as the referee blew the whistle to make sure everyone was in position. Both siblings were startled when their dad came up behind them.

"Hey kids." he smiled

"Hey." they both said in sync.

"So, you think you'll see any action tonight?" he asked Stiles.

"Action? Maybe." stiles nodded nervously.

Yelena gave her dad a small smile which he returned with a nod before going to find his seat. Yelena put her head in her hands and groaned as Stiles rubbed her back soothingly. Once the game started Yelena began tapping her feet nervously as the crowd cheered around her. They both frowned when they saw Scott scowl, they turned around to see what he was looking at when they saw Alison and Lydia holding up a sign for Jackson.

"Brutal." Stiles shook his head as Yelena sat up straight and scanned the field

"Yeah, this is not going to be good, please tell me you have a backup plan."

Stiles looked at her sheepishly as she closed her eyes tightly and sighed,  "great" she muttered. Yelena kept looking around in panic when Stiles's eyes widened and he gripped her arm "What?" she snapped before seeing what he was looking at as Scott jumped over some players and took the ball, getting it straight in the goal.

Everyone jumped up cheering loudly, Stiles screaming so loudly that he almost deafened his sister, not that she minded as she was equally as happy and clapped loudly. She couldn't stop smiling as she stood up and laughed at both coach and Stiles's excitement. Although her eyes widened when she zoomed her camera in on Scott's face and caught a yellow tinge in his eyes, she quickly whipped her head around to see if anyone else saw but no one else seemed to notice apart from the guy he was facing off who happily passed the ball to him.

Coach's jaw dropped in shock as he sat next to Stiles "Did the opposing team, just deliberately pass us the ball?"

Stiles and Yelena exchanged a glance as Stiles cleared his throat and nodded

"Yes, I believe so, coach."

Coach nodded slightly confused but pleased either way "Interesting. Goal! Yes! Yes! There you go. Wha - Way to go, McCall! What? The ball's in the net" he and Stiles started arguing with the other coach.

"Ball's in the net."

"That's the goal of the game, is get the ball in the net! We got it"

Yelena's eyes widened as she grabbed Stiles's arm tightly and slowly rose out of her seat. Scott was slowly shifting, she could tell by the way he was looking around, it was too animalistic. stiles seemingly noticed the same thing as he stood up and started panicking.

"No, no. Scott, no, no".

Yelena was looking around trying to find an escape plan when the crowd jumped up and started roaring with pride.

"Yes! Ha! Oh, my God." stiles exclaimed, hugging his sister tightly.

Yelena laughed and cheered, whilst she watched the crowd run onto the field, before turning around and catching her dad's worried eyes as he spoke on the phone "Dad, what's wrong?" she asked nervously as Stiles came and stood next to her.

He put his hand out to silence them as he nodded before hanging up,

"The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of that body. The killer of the girl  is an animal, not a human."

"So Derek's not the killer," Yelena said, shooting her brother a subtle look as their dad continued.

"No, and here's a bigger kick. The girls I.D  was Laura Hale" he ran his hand through his hair nervously before nodding to himself "I gotta get down to the station"

Yelena looked at Stiles and spoke quietly "Laura Hale, that's Derek's sister. You gotta find Scott and tell him."

Stiles nodded and ran off in the direction of the locker room as Yelena ran to catch up with their dad

"Dad! Wait up!"

"Len I haven't got time," he said waving his hand dismissively

"I just need to know how long you're going to hate me for!"

The sheriff sighed and turned to look at her as he came over and gave her a tight hug, "I don't hate you." he said as he released her.

"No, you're just disappointed."

"I'm not disappointed that you got kicked out. I'm disappointed that you didn't think you could tell me."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He shook his head and gave her a small smile, "It's going to be fine, but you're going to need to find a job or get an internship somewhere, ok? Because I'm not having you lying about the house all day."

"Consider it done." she smiled as he ruffled her hair before getting in his car

"It's gonna be a late one tonight."

"Don't worry. I'll feed the child... hey, maybe I'll become a chef."

Her dad gave her a doubtful look as she scoffed, making him laugh, "See ya later."

she waved goodbye as she went off to find Stiles. One thing was for sure, Derek didn't kill his sister, but he will definitely kill Scott and Stiles.

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