Start from the beginning

"What are we looking at now?" Ilum said.

Addia reeled back in surprise. "The past..." She remembered what Qui-Gon told her.

"Addia." Ilum alerted her, sensing the First Sister passing through the portal into the Vergence Scatter.

A predatorial grin flashed on the Umbaran Inquisitor when she spotted the Mirialan.

"What are we going to do?" Ilum said.

Addia powered her lightsaber. "Trust our instincts."

The First Sister watched the Jedi and a floating crystal disappear into a portal. Before she could go after them, an echoing female voice called to her by a name she thought she'd long forgotten, "Karabra." The sensation accompanying it compelled her to follow a different path, ending at a glowing gateway consisting of a triangle inside a circle. The scene taking place on the other side, stirred emotions buried deep inside the First Sister.

"Master, I came as soon as possible. Is everything alright?" said a younger Karabra, wearing Jedi robes and with irises as blue as the sky. "I heard Master Kenobi has killed General Grievous. Is that true?"

"It is," Saesee Tiin said. The laconic member of the High Council seemed more distant than usual.

The news overjoyed the Umbaran. "So, the war is over."

"Not yet. Soon. There's one more thing left to do, I'm afraid."


"I don't need to read your thoughts to know what you're thinking, Padawan. I promise I will tell the Council you're ready to undertake the Trials when next we convene."

"I understand, Master." Karabra felt ashamed her intentions were so apparent. "What do you think is going to happen now?"

Tiin took a moment to answer. "It's hard to see, but we must trust the Force to guide us. One thing is for sure, the Republic is going to need every available Jedi Knight to restore peace in the galaxy. You're impulsive and perhaps a little too zealous, but you're guileful and resourceful, and only the very best can ever hope to match you with either saber or starship. You'll make a fine addition to their ranks."

"Thank you, Master." Karabra bowed. "What is it that you require of me?"

"I have docked the Sharp Spiral in a space port in the city. I need you to bring it to me."

The request confused Karabra. "Master... you never let anyone fly your starfighter. What's going on?"

"Master Windu asked me to accompany him and a few others to arrest the Chancellor. Master Skywalker is already in his office."

"The Chancellor? But... why?"

The answer weighed on the Iktotchi. "We have discovered he's the Sith Lord we've been looking for."

"How is that possible?"

"There's no time to explain. I must take my leave. Bring the Sharp Spiral to the temple and wait for me here."

"Yes, Master." Karabra bowed again. "And Master? May the Force be with you."

"With every one of us." Tiin hastened his step.

Karabra never saw her Master again. He died at the hands of Chancellor Palpatine—revealing himself to be the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious—along with Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar. Karabra escaped the ensuing slaughtering at the Jedi Temple by the will of the Force. Per his orders, she was fetching her Master's prized starfighter when it occurred. The Umbaran considered using it to flee the planet, but her sense of loyalty and need for justice, compelled her to take matters in her own hands.

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