Tip Doctor

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Narrator POV

Clifford went home a sad dog a few nights before since the doctor had informed him of his newly contracted STD. He whined all night because his tip was oozing hot cheeto dust. He decided to take one more trip to the Veterinarian's office to see if they have any updates on the STD. He ran to the comically large veterinarian's office and the tip doctor was there sitting behind his desk. The tip doctor got to work and sucked up some of the oozing spicy tip dust with his tip sucker tool. The tip dust got put into a tip testing machine and the results would take 2-3 business days to come back. So once the doctor was done with his work, he asked Clifford a few questions.

"How has your tip been feeling since your last trip here?" The tip doctor asked.

"Not good at all, it's been itching and burning so badly. It feels like someone has injected shane dawson's ass sweat inside of my tip." Clifford responded.

The doctor excused Clifford, telling him he could go home now. On Clifford's way out, he noticed the tip doctor had a name tag. His name was, Dr. Tip-en-smurtz.

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