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Hey yall it has certainly been awhile but im back and somewhat better than every, not really just running on two red bulls rn but the watermelon and peach red bulls hit. Anyways back to the point, im going to try and be more frequent when posting because I have flaked out on you guys for months. Anyways I love each and every one of you guys and I am thankful that you guys have been reading my book even though I haven't been posting. Love you mwah <3

QOTD: Fall and Winter or Spring and Summer?


Luna's POV



I threw my alarm clock on the wall in agony knowing I have to wake up to go to school. School is so fuckin overrated, and this is coming from someone who is currently in med school. I mean there are only many ways I can analyze fuckin Shakespeare. Anyways, apparently, this school is fancy meaning you know what UNIFORMS. I hate uniforms with a passion. I mean why can't students just wear what they want.

I head into my bathroom and take a quick shower, and by quick I mean like 20 minutes because beauty takes time. Not really, I was just becoming a Grammy winner pop star in the shower. I hop out and throw on the uniform, compared to other ones it isn't that bad but it still isn't the greatest. The uniform consisted of a plaid skirt in a cream color, a short-sleeve button-up white shirt that apparently "needed" to be tucked in. Finally, it had a little bow thing I had to put on as well. Overall I would rate it a 6 out of 10 on the uniform scale.

Realizing the time I start making my way downstairs and to my child, aka the coffee machine. I sit there as the dark roast drips into the pot. Once it is done brewing I place it in a mug and sit at the kitchen island, scrolling through my phone. By the time I am done I see the rest of the boys come down to eat breakfast. I put my cup into the dishwasher and head up the stairs to brush my teeth so I'm not troubled with coffee breath all day.

I walk downstairs with my backpack and see that the rest of the boys are still eating. Their dumbasses are going to be late so instead of waiting on them I just yell that I'm going to leave and they all start rushing to get ready because they wanted to be the ones to "take me to my first day of school".

We all hop into one of Nico's cars which is a Lamborgini Urus which is black because he wanted a "family car" to drive to parties with his friends. We hop out and luckily even though the boys are popular they just think I'm one of his whores so I can easily get into school without being the new eye candy.

I make it to the front office and grab my schedule from Ms.Sherry who I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of. I was walking towards Ap Chemistry when I bump into a tall figure.

I couldn't believe my eyes...

Ottavio's POV

I can't not tell Abramo, this seems serious and I don't want my sister to have had suffer and not tell anyone.

"Come In" Abramo says as I knock on the door. 

"Hey bro I need to talk to you. It's serious" I say a little nervous as to how he will react considering he is very protective.

"Go on" He says very impatiently because he wants me to get to the point already.

"It's about Luna"


Thank you guys for bearing with my flakiness I really appreciate.

Please leave suggestions, critiques and comments I truly look at them all and take them into account.

Much love,


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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