𝒞𝒽. 6

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Hey buds as promised I have a chapter for you guys finally.

I will try and get the next one up this weekend because shit is about to go down so be prepared.

Love y'all lots and enjoy the new chapter


Abramo's POV

Silence. Right after I heard what my PI said, all I could hear was silence. It wasn't till the man on the phone had started talking again, which brought me out of my trance.

"Boss, are you still with me?"

"Yes, I am. As you were saying, you have found my sister."

"Yes we have tracked her down and she is currently living in Italy. Thanks to what your brother sent us with information about the girl he met at the highschool he recently visited, we were able to confirm that Luna Armstrong is in fact Luna Calvano."

"Alright, send me everything there is to know about her, like where she lives, school records, hospital record, and so on. I want that information by tonight or i will have your head." I replied sternly into the phone.

"Y-yes boss." He stuttered before I hung up the phone.

I can't believe that I have found my sister. Completely forgetting the fact that i was at the coronation i quickly told my men to bring my brothers out front and to tell them that i want them back at the penthouse.

They do as they are told and disperse attempting to inform my brothers.

I start driving home and I can't help but smile, my sister is finally coming home after all these years!!

(Time skip to when they reach home)
Once we reached the penthouse, the boys were still extremely curious as to what was going one. I was so excited to finally share the news with them, so i did just that once we got back to the penthouse.

"BOYS!! FAMILY MEETING NOW!." As soon as i said that there was a stampede of people coming down the stairs.

"Alright boys, i have some exciting news for you." I was in the middle of telling them until i was cut off by Rafaele (one of the twins, 20 years old).

"Dude, how long is this gonna take? I was gonna head to the gym before we leave tomorrow."

"As I was explaining before I was RUDELY interrupted by this prick I call my brother, I have exciting news to share with you all. (dramatic pause for effect of course) Well me and Diego have found our sister."

Silence was all that could be heard throughout the penthouse. They made it sound like we just announced a death not a homecoming.

Diego's POV

It really was my sister that I saw at school that day. I can't believe it, well actually i can because she looks just like us. But, I thought she was dead. Wow.. she's really coming home.

Maximus's POV

My darling angel is coming home. I can't believe it after all this time and she was here in Italy where we have penthouses and some sort of Mafia power. She is coming home for good. Wow.

Nicolo's POV

My little bro (calls her bro because that is her nickname) is coming back home. She has been gone for years. I'm gonna teach her all of my ways. You better watch out world because we got Nicolo 2.0 coming.

Ottavio's POV

She's really coming back. My little buddy that I used to play with when I got home from school. We both had a really bad obsession with dogs so we used to make Ma and Pa take use to the shelter. And now I finally get her back.

Raffaele's POV

My little shadow is coming back. When I used to workout to train for the family business she used to want to do everything with me. She used to follow me around and wanted to box with me. She's finally coming back and I get my shadow again.

Santino's POV

My lil brainiac is coming home. She used to blabber random things to me when I got home from school. My parents would always show her off because of how intelligent she was at such a young age, so i used to call her my lil brainiac. I'm finally getting her back.

Valerius's POV

My lil sis is coming back home. I don't remember a lot seeing as i was young when she was taken but i was told stories from my other brothers about how smart and caring she was, i can't wait to meet her again but my only reservation about meeting her is that she won't like me. All I want is for my baby to like me.

3rd Person

The boys all sat there for a moment stuck in thought about their sister finally coming home. There were many feelings floating through the air like, happiness, and worry. But the one feeling that was among all of them was love. They love their sister and they cant wait to take her home.

"When do we go to pick her up?" Santino asked.

"Tomorrow brothers, we get our baby sister back tomorrow" Abramo responded.

Oh how things were gonna change for Luna in a blink of an eye her whole life as she knows it will change.


I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. I will have another chapter up by the end of this weekend so keep an eye out.

This is my first book so feel free to comment on anything that you think I can improve on.

love you all



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