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Hey guys!!!

As promised I have another chapter up by the end of the weekend. This has some juicy stuff so be prepared

I now present Chapter 7 of Her Untold Stories


Luna's POV


He took me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. This is what I have been waiting for. He pulled me to his chest and for what like an eternity we stared into eachothers eyes. His head starts moving towards mine whilst mine moves towards him. Our lips seconds away from touching....


Dammit i was so close to finally kissing joseph morgan my long goal was ruined by my alarm clock.

After the coronation I stayed back and drank quite a bit. I am now regretting that seeing as i have one of the worst fucking hangovers i have ever had.

It's currently Sunday which means the foster parents from hell are probably at a casino wasting money that they dont have and will most likely become in debt for that.

I get up and stretch, hop in the freezing cold shower, like bitch i wouldn't be surprised if i had gotten hypothermia from this shower. I shave, brush my teeth, do my hair, then plop back on my bed.

Suddenly the doorbell rings

Bring Bring Bitch

Little did I know that the people standing beyond that door would change my life forever.

I open the door and see 8 men, like some full grown ass men standing outside my front door.

"Who the fuck are you?" i asked in a bored tone because i had a bed to get back to.

"Wow, i am hurt. I can't believe you would speak to your brothers that way." One of the men said.

"Bitch please, I have no brothers now kindly get off my front porch before I make you." I said, anger slowly rising from me.

"Ha, i'd like to see you try" a smaller looking boy from the back said.

"Alright that is it, leave my house or i swear to god i will wish that you never came to meet your so called 'sister" i said putting quotations around the word sister.

"And you," I said pointing to one of the men who came to my school "Mr. stares a lot, why are you with this group of men? I know I'm pretty but considering you look to be in your mid twenties and I am 16 that would make you a pedo." i said with sass.

I could hear snickers coming from the younger ones.

Abramo's POV

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. She held no fear despite the fact that there were 8 grown men on her doorstep.

"I can prove that we are your brothers if you just let us into your house." i said to her.

She stood there contemplating whether or not to let us in, until she ultimately decided to let us in.

"But if you guys try anything, i will cut you."

Luna's POV

"Now how on gods earth are you going to prove that you are my brothers?" i asked in a serious tone because at this point all i wanted to do was to go back to bed.

"We all have this..." he pulls out a chain, and the rest of the boys follow. That chain, it seems familiar.

Oh My God, I have an exact version of that. My necklace that i always wear looks exactly like that but with my name on it.

Her Untold StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now