It's Not Your Fault!

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Two days later, Bokuto and Akaashi came to the hospital immediately after their game against Ichibayashi. Fukurodani had lost, but was ranked second in the nation, so Bokuto wasn't too sad about the outcome. Though, none of that mattered right now. They had practically flown to Tsuki's bedside as soon as they could leave.

Outside of his room, they found Akiteru waiting for them, and from the open doorway, they saw both Kuroo and mom on either side of the bed, holding Tsuki's hands. Tsuki was motionless on the bed, hooked up to a ventilator, with an IV attached to his left arm.

"Oh my god," Bokuto whispered, unable to say anything else.

"Just how sick is he?" Akaashi asked angrily, and then caught himself. "I'm sorry, ni-san."

"Trust me, I'm not exactly happy with him, either," Akiteru grumbled in reply. "He was told not to push himself, several times, from what I've been told. And yet..."

"And yet, here we are," Akaashi finished. "Did the doctors tell you what he's sick with?"

"Legionnaires Disease. Not sure where he picked it up, but it's assumed that it came from breathing in the steam in the baths."

"The baths? But wouldn't everyone else come down with it? Is that what happened to Hinata, too?" Bokuto asked, looking thoroughly confused.

"Not necessarily. Healthy people might experience symptoms, but never come down with it. The reason Kei caught it was due to an underlying issue we'd all thought he'd long outgrown. In Hinata's case, he simply ran on all cylinders until his body wore out."

"What underlying issue?" Akaashi asked, concerned and intrigued at the same time.

"Asthma," Akiteru answered simply.

Bokuto looked at Akaashi, and vice versa. "We never saw him use an inhaler."

"It was mostly exercise induced asthma, and while he did have an inhaler, he didn't often need it. Most of the time, he'd simply calm himself enough to breathe normally again. Normal kids would be breathing fine after a few minutes, but for Kei, it took at least 10-20 minutes for his breathing to return to normal. Eventually, he outgrew it, or so we thought."

"It did take him a bit longer to catch his breath during practice at camp," Bokuto remembered.

"And that's why he played more efficiently than most," Akaashi followed. "He didn't exert himself anymore than he had to. It's amazing he made it through the Shiratorizawa game without difficulty."

"Yes, but he was able to rest due to injury," Akiteru reminded them. "From the moment he left the court, until his return, he'd been calming himself down enough to breathe normally again."

After a few minutes of silence, Bokuto asked, "is it alright if we go in?"

"Sure. Mom and Tetsu are immovable, but you'll be able to see him."

Bowing to Akiteru, the two went into the room and took sides: Bokuto stood next to Kuroo, and Akaashi next to mom. Kuroo was a hot mess, looking as if he had been at Tsuki's side the whole time. And maybe he had, only moving when absolutely necessary. Mom wasn't looking too much better, but the expression on her face told them she was calling the shots.

"You're here," she said quietly, looking at both of them. "Maybe you can drag him off to go eat something?" She gestured at Kuroo, who had only moved enough to glare at her.

"I'm not leaving him," he growled. "I'm not hungry."

"How long has he been this way?" Bokuto asked mom.

"Since we've been here. Akiteru tried, but..."

Akaashi took a deep breath, and then glared right back at Kuroo. "Get your stubborn ass out of that chair, Tetsuro Kuroo. You'll do yourself no good if you refuse to eat and take care of yourself."

Everyone stared at Akaashi. Not once in the time they'd known him had he ever taken that tone with anyone.

"But, if I had just..."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Kuroo flinched.

Bokuto whistled and took a few steps back.

Mom was still too stunned to move.

Akiteru was trying hard not to laugh.

Leave it to Akaashi to give Kuroo the dressing down he needed. Including swear words.

"You can't possibly be serious right now. Are you really blaming yourself? Kei caught Legionnaires, not you. He's worse off than normal because the asthma he had as a child seems to have returned, which weakened his immune system. He's only as sick as he is now because he was too fucking stubborn to call it quits when he should have. And now, you're being stubborn by refusing to leave his side to take care of yourself? It's not your fault. None of this is your fault!"

Kuroo looked like he was about to start arguing but Akaashi overrode him. Again.

"You have no valid excuses! Stop being stubborn! You need to eat, sleep, and for god's sake, you need to take a shower. It won't do Kei, or the rest of your family here, any good if you drive yourself into the ground because of your stubborn stupidity."

Kuroo blinked, looking as if a fog had lifted, although he still wore an expression that clearly said he was bemused at Akaashi's sudden transformation from calming presence to avenging angel.

"My apologies," he said quietly as he finally stood up. Still he hadn't let go of Kei's hand. "I didn't realize..."

"Whether or not you realized it, you were adding to Mom and Ni-san's worries," Akaashi admonished, somewhat gently.

"I'm sorry," Kuroo apologized. "I really didn't mean..."

"We understand, Tetsu," Mom reassured him. "Kei's very sick, but he's not going to die. That much we're sure of. Now, go get some food in you, and go pack a bag of clothes and things you need to keep busy while you're here."

"We'll do the same," Akaashi said. Everyone looked at him. "What? Did you think we'd stay home and wait for news? We're a family, and family sticks together. Right?"

"Right!" Bokuto agreed for everyone, who was still rendered speechless by Akaashi. "Kuroo, I suggest you move your ass like Keiji said. If you don't, I have no problem moving it for you."

"Oh good grief," Akaashi muttered.

"I mean, I get what you're saying, Kou, but maybe you should rephrase that," Kuroo said, his irreverent humor clearly reasserting itself.

"If you understand what I meant, then there's no reason to argue. Now, move!" Bokuto said, reaching out to grab hold of Kuroo's shirt.

"Hang on! Give me a minute!"

"60 seconds..."

"We'll expect you in the hall in 50 seconds," Akaashi said as he left, and Bokuto right behind him.

Tetsu turned back to Kei, and bent to kiss his feverish forehead. "I'll be right back, baby," he said softly. "I love you." He was about to leave when Kei reacted. His head turned toward Tetsu's and his hand tightened ever so slightly. He wasn't awake, not really, but he'd reacted. "I promise I'll be back as soon as I can," Tetsu whispered. "Mom and Ni-san are here, so you're not alone. I love you."

Kei's hand relaxed, and Tetsu bent to kiss him one more time. Then, he turned and followed his friends... no, they were his brothers in all but blood... down the hallway and out of the hospital. 

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