Everything With You

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The constant sound of notifications coming in, in addition to an alarm that hadn't been turned off, was what finally woke Kei up the next morning. He reached for the phone, and tapped on the notification on the top. It just happened to be the squad chat.


[Not Kuroo]


[Thanks. I think. What time is it?]

[Almost 8am. I tried to get him to stop, but he's too excited]

[I noticed]

[Happy belated birthday, Tsuki]


[Thanks again, guys]

Kei felt when Kuroo woke up. He'd turned over, and wrapped an arm around his waist, gathering him into his arms. "Good morning, love," his sleep-roughened voice murmured in his ear. Kei shivered.

"Good morning," he replied. "I hope you don't mind, but I had to start talking to them to stop the phone making noises."

"Nah, I don't care. Bet you surprised them, though," Kuroo grinned. He moved so that he could see the screen, and reached up to type something.

[8am? Really?]


[Didn't think you knew words that big, Bokuto]

[There's Kuroo]

[Yeah, he's awake now]


[Not even a surprise at this point]

[Good one, Tsuki]

[LOL! Hey guys? Can you give us a little time?]


[Standard morning procedures, Bokuto]

[That could be anything]

[True, Akaashi. Bbl.]



Kei let go of the phone, Kuroo placed it on the bedside table, and they managed to sit up without tumbling off the bed. Then, Kuroo stood up and walked over to the dresser. That's when Kei finally noticed that while he wore a t-shirt and shorts, Kuroo was just in a pair of shorts and his charm necklace. He felt his face flush with heat, and yet he couldn't look away.

"Keep staring at me like that, and I will lose what little control I have left," he heard Kuroo growl. He took a deep breath, and let it go, and then turned just enough to catch Kei's curious, and heated, gaze. "Oh god. I shouldn't have looked," he said, quickly turning away.

Deciding that now would be the best time to take a shower, Kei stood up and rummaged through his bag for clothes to change into. He also took a towel and the little bag that had all his toiletries in it.

At the door, he looked back at Kuroo, who was watching him. He said nothing until he was on the other side. "Would losing control really be that bad?" Not staying around to hear the answer, he turned and went to go take a long, cold shower.

[On The Town]

"I do want to take you to a few places and play tourist, but you wanted to see Tokyo as I see it, and that's pretty limited to the neighborhood and school," Kuroo said as they all sat around the table. Kei had the idea to cook everyone breakfast, so they'd made a quick run to the grocery store down the street. Bokuto and Akaashi had arrived just after they got home.

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