Charms And Rings

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After leaving the train, they all walked out of the station as a group. It had been decided that they'd part ways here, instead of at Kuroo's place, because they knew no one would want to go home. It was tough enough just to say goodbye now, at least on Kei's part.

"It was great seeing you again, Tsuki," Akaashi said as Bokuto went to hail a cab. "I hope you enjoyed your birthday surprises."

"I did, thank you," he replied quietly.

"AKAASHI!!" Bokuto yelled from where a cab had pulled over to him. "WE GOTTA GO!"

"Well, guess I've been summoned," he said with a little smile. "Thanks for letting us tag along these last couple days. We'll see you next weekend." He bowed, and then turned to go.

"W-wait!" Kei said, reaching out to stop him. "I have something for you and Bokuto."

He opened the bag from the Inari shrine, and pulled out a smaller cloth bag. Loosening the drawstring, he upended it, and four little charms tumbled into his hand. There were two tiny torii gates, and two tiny pagodas. He smiled shyly and held out his hand.

"Pick one for each of you. Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me."

"Tsuki..." Akaashi carefully picked out a torii gate and pagoda. "You didn't have to."

Kei shrugged a little. "I wanted to. A little memento, I guess. Besides, a proper charm necklace needs more charms, don't you think?"


"Sorry. He hates saying goodbye, so... We'll see you both next weekend. Thanks again!" Akaashi smiled at them both, and turned to run to Bokuto. Kei waved at them as they got in the cab and left.

"They really like you, you know," Kuroo said.

Kei turned around and looked at him. They'd had a long, fun day, and he could tell his love was tired. It was in the way he stood: body slackened, hands in pockets, and his hair had fallen a bit. But his eyes... those dark honey eyes were heated, almost like molten gold. Kei was thoroughly captivated.

Kuroo started to take a step toward him, but Kei was already moving. He watched how those dark honey eyes widened and the flush that tinged his face. Kei smiled, biting his lower lip to keep from laughing. He took a deep breath and let it go.

"Don't say it," Kuroo warned.

Kei tried to look innocent. "Say what? I was only going to say I really like them, too."

"Yeah. Right. Sure," Kuroo replied, reaching out and grabbing his waist, pulling him closer. "You weren't going to say I look bamboozled."

Kei finally broke, his laughter gaining the attention of several passers-by. "I wasn't! Truly! But thanks for confirming it."

Kuroo retaliated by kissing him. So much so that Kei forgot where they were, and that they weren't the only ones around.

"PDA much?"

"Get a room, already!"

Kei nearly leapt out of his skin, and broke the kiss. But Kuroo held on to him, glaring at the ones who'd yelled at them.

"Let's just go home, okay?" he suggested quietly.

"No. They scared you, and interrupted a damn good kiss," Kuroo growled. He was going to say something else, when it finally occurred to him what Kei had said.

"Home? To my place?"

"Where did you think I meant?"

"I just... I didn't think you meant..."

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