Family Is Who You Choose

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[25 December - early morning, 5:15am]

For once, Kei had woken up before Tetsuro, and was more awake than he ever was this early. Likely due to the fact that he was going to be surprised today, but also out of habit. Christmas mornings were pretty big in his family. Or, at least as big as mom could make for the three of them. Sometimes, friends would come to visit on Christmas day, but usually only for a little while before moving on.

This year, Kei couldn't help but be a little more excited than before. This year, he would be celebrating with Tetsuro, as well as Bokuto and Akaashi, in addition to his mom and Akiteru. They had a house full, and that was a crazy, happy feeling to have on Christmas.

Making sure he didn't wake his love, Kei grabbed a towel and some clothes, and slipped out of the bedroom. Intending to take a quick shower, he noticed that the guest room door was open, which was odd. Not wanting to be nosey, but letting curiosity get the better of him, he peeked inside, finding an empty room. Bokuto being awake at this hour wasn't much of a surprise, but Akaashi didn't usually wake up this early.

Putting his stuff in the bathroom, Kei went down the hall another way, which eventually let out onto the porch. Which is where he found Bokuto, sitting with one leg swinging off the side of the porch, the other pulled up near his chest, and he was leaning against one of the posts. One arm was slung over his knee, and he held a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. The most remarkable thing Kei noticed was that, not only was Bokuto's hair down, but he was pensive. It was not something Kei was used to seeing, considering his friend was generally loud, boisterous, and often obnoxious.

He walked slowly out onto the porch, and sat down next to Bokuto, who turned and smiled a little. Kei started to say good morning, but his friend shook his head, tilting it in the direction of the kitchen. That's when Kei noticed the voices of his mom... and Akaashi.

"Oh sweetie," he heard his mom say. "I've discovered that family is not solely those who are related by blood. Friends are the family you choose, and I chose you, and Koutaro, and Tetsuro to be a part of mine. I love you boys as if you were my own."

" But in so short a time? And even if we are..."

One of the chairs moved, and Kei turned his attention to Bokuto, who was now looking away from the house. His eyes were narrowed against the light of the rising sun, and the expression on his face... Well, more than anything, it looked hopeful? Either way, mom was speaking again, so he went back to listening.

"Here, start slicing the bagels. And once you finish those, if you could get the lox out of the fridge, please?"

"Yes, ma'am," Akaashi replied.

"Call me 'Mom,' Keiji," she said. Her voice was stern, but Kei could also tell she was smiling.

"Yes... Mom."

"Much better." There were a few minutes when all Kei could hear was them getting breakfast ready, with mom quietly guiding Akaashi as they prepared a variety of dishes. Then, she spoke up, as if she knew she had an audience. "The way I see it, a heart doesn't really start beating until you find the person you love. Whether they're a man or a woman, when you fall in love, all you want to do is... touch that person. You want to hold them and feel their warmth against your body, and your heart starts to beat." She softly corrected something he had done, and then resumed. "I'm guessing your heart started beating the first time you met Koutaro... right?"


"And it was the same for him, as well," she said, her voice rising a bit. "Am I right, Koutaro?"

"Yes," Bokuto replied almost immediately. "But how did you..."

"The coffee maker," she answered. "Akiteru is the only one who drinks coffee, and he's not here, so..." They heard the sound of sizzling, and soon smelled the bacon she'd started cooking. "Are the other two out there with you?"

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