Nationals (5 January 2013)

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During the early morning hours of the first day of Nationals, Kei found himself practicing with the team. Coach Nekomata had given them permission to use the gym at Nekoma, which everyone appreciated. It not only gave them a chance to warm up, but also a chance to see friends, which helped calm nerves.

Kei hadn't thought he'd be particularly anxious, but after dropping the ball again, before a serve attempt, he felt himself flush as he went to retrieve the ball.

"Nerve-wracking, isn't it?" a familiar, and beloved, voice said. Kei looked up and found Tetsu holding the ball. Closing the gap between them, Kei put his hands on the ball and leaned forward to put his forehead against Tetsu's.

"Yeah, more than I thought," he quietly replied. "I think we're all trying to keep it together." He leaned back a bit and looked at Tetsu. "You look remarkably relaxed, though."

"Well, it helps that I have this moment with you," Tetsu said, his cheeks taking on a bit of color.

Kei smiled and bit his lip. "Very romantic," he said with only a hint of sarcasm.

"True, though." He took a step back and tossed the ball back toward Karasuno's court, and then took hold of Kei's hands. They were shaking slightly. "I could barely hold on to anything before. All butterfingers."

"Maybe we'll be better once we start playing?"

"I think so. Concentrate on the game in front of you, and not on anything else."

"Well, except you," Kei said softly.

"Now who's being romantic?" Tetsu chuckled, leaning forward with a tiny grin. "Kiss for good luck?"

Kei nodded and touched his lips to Tetsu's. It was short, sweet, and would have turned into something more heated, if they hadn't been suddenly interrupted.

"Alright, guys! Go suit up!" Coach Ukai announced. "We can practice more after the ceremony!" He turned and started off to where Nekomata was standing, and then shouted over his shoulder. "That includes you, lovebirds!"

Both Kei and Tetsu laughed and eased back, but hadn't yet let go of each other. Kei let his eyes wander over his love's face, which was charmingly flushed, and his eyes bright.

"We should go," Kei said, taking a step toward his team. Tetsu tightened his hold just slightly before letting go.

"See you at the gym," he said before turning away. Kei almost did the same, taking a few more steps, before realizing Tetsu hadn't moved.

"What's wrong...?" he asked, but then caught sight of Kozume, who'd suddenly looked away, as if he'd been caught staring. "Tetsu?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Tetsu looked over his shoulder and smiled gently. "We've been civil toward each other, if nothing else."

"Are you sure?"

Tetsu sighed and then straightened his shoulders. He turned back to Kei and took the steps needed to bring them together. There was little to no space between them, and Tetsu started leaving tiny kisses all over Kei's face.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," he said between kisses. "Neither of us can afford to add worry on top of our nerves. Breathe, Kei. Just remember I love you, and I will be there for you. Okay?"

"Okay," Kei whispered, returning the kisses. "You do the same."


"See you at the gym," Tetsu said again, after one last kiss.

"See you at the gym," Kei repeated.

They reluctantly backed away from each other, and then parted ways, running to get caught up with their teams.

[Opening Ceremony]

This was happening. It was really happening.

Until now, Kei had kinda been caught in a sort of state of disbelief. It was... surreal, in a way. He knew they were here because of all their hard work and practices, but to be here when there were so many other teams that were touted as better than they were... Well, somewhere, something went right for Karasuno, and as a result, they were about to enter the gym as Miyagi's representative at Nationals.

He was proud, happy, and insanely nervous. Those that knew him well had picked up on it, and tried to help him loosen up. But oddly, he found himself watching Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata was way too excited to even think about being nervous, and it was obvious to everyone. Kageyama was calm, cool, and collected. Occasionally, he'd reach out to grab Hinata before the latter flew off again, and that seemed to also help calm him down.

Meanwhile, Kei was stoically trying not to fly apart.


Suddenly, he was practically run over by Bokuto and Akaashi, who had almost raced over to where they were waiting. And seeing them relaxed him a little. He smiled at his friends.

"Glad you made it," he said sarcastically. "I was beginning to think you got lost."

"Well, he did manage to turn down the wrong corridor..." Akaashi said, and Bokuto gave him a playful shove.

"Keiji, you weren't supposed to tell him that!"

"He was going to figure it out anyway," Akaashi winked at Kei. Then, he gave him a good long look. "You're nervous, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Kei didn't bother to deny it. "Still seems so... unreal, somehow."

"You'll get used to it," Bokuto said grandly. "I was nervous my first Nationals, too."

"You were?"

"Yeah," Akaashi confirmed. "He was on the phone with me until Coach came and took it from him. But once he started playing, he was fine. Mostly."

"Just concentrate on the game you're playing, and you'll be fine," another voice joined them. Kei smiled and turned to see Tetsu walking over to them.

"The gang's all here," Bokuto laughed, slinging an arm around Akaashi and Tetsu. Tetsu copied that, except one arm went around Kei. Akaashi completed the circle with Kei, and the four of them stood together like a little family.

"Good luck, everyone," Akaashi said first.

"Play your hardest," Bokuto added. "Do your best. Have fun!"

"Breathe and relax. One game at a time. Climb as high as you can," Tetsu chimed in.

"You guys are the best," Kei said finally.

"Aren't we though?"

Tetsu cracked first, then Kei, and then Akaashi. Soon, they were all laughing, and attracting attention. They let go of each other and just stood around, talking quietly amongst themselves. They didn't notice that others around them were looking at them and relaxing as well, knowing that while each team was here to win, they were also here to play and have fun.

"Welcome to the 2013 Spring Interhigh Tournament!" The voice over the intercom reminded them that it was almost time to start. "Please go to your assigned places, and wait for your introduction to enter the gymnasium. You will be called by prefecture, boys and girls. We wish you good luck!"

"I guess we should go," Kei said looking at his friends, and then at Tetsu.

"YUP!" Bokuto hollered. Already leaving to join his team.

"See you guys later," Akaashi said, following Bokuto.

"Good luck," Tetsu said softly. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Kei replied. "Good luck."

They turned and went to their teams, waiting for their introductions.

The Cat and the CrowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora