Breaking Ties

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Kei watched intently as Hinata tried to get answers from Kenma. It was going so slow, but once Hinata had started, no one said anything. At least, not on Kenma's page. The phone, however, blew up... as was expected. Their friends were keeping up a running commentary, but Tetsuro and he had stayed silent. There really hadn't been anything to say.

{{Shoyo? Have you been watching?}}

{{Honestly, no. Not until this post. Volleyball practice}}

{{Makes sense}}

{{You didn't answer my question}}

{{Didn't think I needed to when it's obvious what I'm doing}}

{{Posting poorly photoshopped pictures of you and Kuroo kissing and practically making out?}}

"Hinata, stay calm," Kei whispered encouragement. He picked up his phone again.


[He needs to calm down.]

[He'll be fine]

[We hope]

"We definitely hope," Kei muttered as he kept watching.

{{They aren't photoshopped}}

{{Yes, they are, Kenma. Let me ask another question: Why?}}

{{Why what?}}

{{Why are you doing this to Kuroo and Tsukishima?}}

{{Doing what?}}

{{Kenma, stop, please. I'm not stupid}}

{{I never said you were}}

{{Then stop toying with me. I thought we were friends}}

Kei's vision started to blur. Besides Tetsuro, Hinata had one of the biggest stakes in this entire farce of a game, and they both stood to lose something important to them: a friend. As for himself, he still couldn't think that he was more than someone to use to get to Tetsuro. No matter how much his boyfriend tried to deny it, he was the original target. Kei picked up his phone and started to text Tetsuro, when both the group chat and Kenma replied.

[Poor Hinata]

[He's going to need us all after this]

[You know he'll seek out Kageyama first, though, right?]

[Yeah. Always has been that way, hasn't it?]

[For both of them]

[Kuroo, once this is over, we'll have to explain what happened to Kageyama. Are you okay with that?]

[Yes, of course, Daichi. Please forgive me for bringing Hinata into this mess]


[Nothing to forgive. I said I would help.]

[I'm sorry, Chibi-chan]

[Stop apologizing, Kuroo]


[Hey Tetsu?]


[Shut up.]

As the group sent laughing emojis and Lols, Kei turned back to his laptop.

{{We are friends, Shoyo}}

{{No, I don't think so. You aren't acting like the Kenma I know}}

{{What do you mean?}}

{{Well, for one thing, you'd have answered me by now.}}

{{Have I not?}}

{{No, you have not. Second, you had no problems with Kuroo's and Tsukishima's relationship, at first. Zero. None. In fact, you helped out them when they asked you. Like, that time you took pictures for them at summer camp. Now, I see this post today, and you won't tell me why you'd even do such a thing.}}

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