To Spend Forever With You

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Tetsuro kept his eyes on Kei, who was obviously trying to figure out what was going on, and looking adorable at it. His nerves had finally settled once he'd seen Kei's beautiful smile. But, there was still a little left over. He wouldn't be completely calm until this was over, and he had his answer.

Glancing to the side, he gave the signal to Akaashi, who nodded, grabbed his phone to start recording video. His friend then signaled Daichi. Karasuno's captain nodded once, and held up a placard with two words written on it. He waited until Kei had rounded the curve, and then held it up.

"Do you"

Along the opposite side of the rink, Suga held up another placard, as did Tadashi beside him.


"the wish"

Further down, Chibi-chan and Kageyama held up the last one. For this round, anyway.

"you made?"

Tetsuro slowed down enough for Kei to catch up to him. Now, his love looked even more confused, and a little irritated, too.

"I thought you weren't going to ask."

"I'm not. Not really. But, I'm beginning to wonder if you made the same wish I did."

Kei went into think mode again, and Tetsu smiled, reached down for his hands and tugged him closer. "Try not to think too hard, love. Keep your eyes open, okay?"

"Okay, but..."

"No buts. Keep 'em open for me." He leaned in and kissed Kei on the nose. "You're adorable."

"Shut up."

Laughing, Testuro sped up again, giving another signal. This time, more people were involved, and they were all excited. As Kei rounded the curve, another set of placards started going up, one at a time, and by someone else each time.

"I promise / to be your / biggest / supporter."

"I promise / to be faithful / to you."

"I promise / to never stop / loving you."

By now, Kei's hand had flown up to his mouth, his face was flushed, and he had tears in his eyes. Tetsuro's own vision started blurring, but he managed to keep the tears at bay. Slowing down again, he caught Kei up in his arms, his hand cradling the back of Kei's head.

"I meant to say those words to you before. The day after you gave me your ring. Obviously, I was too late, and then it just wasn't the right time. I hope this makes up for it, at least a little."

They'd slowed down to a stop in the middle of the rink. And now everyone was watching them avidly. He saw his teammates, Kei's teammates, Kiyoko and Yachi, Coach Ukai, Coach Nekomata, and Takeda-sensei. Even old Coach Ukai was there. Beside him was Akiteru and Mom, with another face he didn't recognize, but he seemed to have come with Kei's brother.

No one moved a muscle. The music had stopped playing. Akaashi was standing on one side of the rink, behind Kei. Bokuto, who had an actual video camera, was recording from the other side of the rink, behind him. The sun had set, the lights around the rink twinkled along with the stars in the sky. The moon was bright and full. It was a perfect night. One that would be remembered forever.

He gently let go of Kei, long enough to put just a little space between them, and then took his hands in his, weaving their fingers together.

"It's kinda strange, but earlier, I was a nervous wreck. But now, I'm almost calm. I'm so self-centered."

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