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I sighed as i flopped down on my
bed after I had finally unpacked
all of my shit.

I rolled onto my stomach and turned to my right looking out of my window only really paying attention at the moon hearing people yelling and laughing in the distance. I felt a weight on my bed so I looked down and really expected the dog but my mum was sat there looking at me with a faint smile "I didn't hear you walk in" I said sitting up and looking at her, she nodded her head and sighed loudly, "I need to find a therapist, clinic or some shit like that" she sighed putting her head in her hands and leaning her elbows on her knees "why.." I mumbled slowly, "why do you think" she asked looking over at me, i nodded my head and moved to one side of my bed and patted the other side for her.

She flicked the light off and climbed in bed next to me laying in silence, "you have to start school next week" she said quietly, i rolled my eyes knowing that, that was coming. "M'kay" I mumbled rolling onto my side and slowly falling asleep.

•  •  •

I sat at the kitchen table looking down at my piece of toast feeling sick to my stomach. I looked up at my uncle who was sat right across from me and groaned, "do I really have to go?" I whined "yes, yes you do" he nodded standing up and pouring some coffee into a mug and placed it in front of me "thanks" i said standing up and grabbing the cup walking back up to my room not bothering to eat my toast.
I put on some light grungy shitty makeup and some basic jeans and a band shirt (the doors to be specific).

I looked at myself in the mirror and back-combed my hair lightly then shook my head before putting in some earrings and grabbing my coffee sitting on the edge of my bed, petting the dog softly. "I know I don't want to leave" I sighed lifting
his head up so he was looking at me "I'll be back soon baby" I said kissing the top of his head getting up and grabbing my bag walking downstairs and slipping on my converses at the door, "I'll be home a little late, I'm applying for a job" I yelled to my uncle who was in the kitchen, "okay enjoy hell!" He yelled back causing me to chuckle slightly. He made good guy shit jokes, dad jokes.

I left the house shutting the door behind me and began slowly walking down the street towards the the bus stop.

I lit a cigarette while walking and looked around the neighbourhood when I noticed a tall boy with
long-ish black/brown hair walking behind me, I couldn't tell if he where following me or just walking in the same direction. I turned around and looked at him and he smiled a sweet genuine smile, naturally I smiled back and kept walking looking back infront of me.
I inhaled the smoke as I walked down the same street where I met the guy yesterday. I looked over to his house and to my surprise saw the front door open and him walk out, coincidence much.

He looked over to me and smiled slamming the door behind him and walked down the stairs towards me. "Hey, why always stalling the door" I smiled at him looking at him up and down, he had a similar style to me, wearing a led zeppelin shirt and ripped up and dirty jeans, "Hi, first day of hell huh and to let my stepmum know I hate her?" He smiled

I nodded my head taking a drag from my cigarette as we walked in the same direction laughing lightly, "what's your name?" I asked blowing the smoke out of my lungs looking towards the blond haired boy. "Kurt" he smiled holding out his hand "Y/n" I said taking his hand and shaking it. Kurt turned around and laughed walking the opposite way towards the tall boy with the dark hair who was behind us, "how long have you been
here" Kurt asked the boy "I was behind the girl you where talking to before we where on your street" I heard him say "and who is that? And you? Kurt? Talking to a girl?" He said dramatically making me laugh. I turned around and waved at the boy walking backwards taking another drag from my cigarette, why is it that the first cigarette of the day is the best and the crisp air just makes it better.

He waved back and Kurt looked at me as if he where in a trance, I walked up to them and pushed them apart softly and stood in between them as we walked to the bus stop getting to know the both of them better.

"So when did you get here?" Krist asked "last Thursday, it's because my junkie dad stole all our money" I said as we approached the bus stop, "well fuck him" he said looking down at me -seems as though he was a
fucking giant- i nodded my head and laughed "I hate him for what he did and I hope he dies" "strong feelings for your father I see" Kurt laughed sitting down on the tin seat underneath the bus shelter. I took a seat beside him and dropped my cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with my foot. I looked over to Kurt and he was staring at me with a slight smile on his lips, "what?" I smiled "nothing" I was brought out of my thoughts and brought back to reality when krist began speaking "you know y/n if anyone fucks with you today tell me and I'll fuck em' up" he smiled sweetly, i nodded my head and smiled back at him "thankyou krist, that's nice". This was the first, people actually being nice to me and not running the other direction.

Once the bus arrived we stood up and all got on the bus and sat down on the uncomfortable plastic seats, i sat next to Kurt and krist sat down near the front next to one of his mates. Kurt and i where talking shit about nothing and everything really, "I knew your accent wasn't really from around here" Kurt said, i nodded and leant my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and slowing down my breathing just relaxing myself preparing for the day, even though this has to be one of the least relaxing places ever. I felt kurts arm slowly go around my waist on top my hip pulling me closer to him, "are you in a relationship?" He asked lowly, i shook my head 'no' and looked up at him and smiled at how fucking beautiful he was, "you?" I asked "no" he smiled. Good.

You know your right           { Kurt cobain }On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara